Improve WordPress Performance With Advanced Database Cleaner Plugin

Posted on the 10 January 2018 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

We basically take a step and go with using fewer plugins, using a CDN, a cache plugin and a faster web hosting for improving the performance of our WordPress site. Many other options are also available to improve the performance of your WordPress blog.

When a new WordPress blog which is ( 2-3 months old ) can avail the advantage of the free database optimization plugin some of them are WP-Optimize and WP-DBManager plugins.

For that blogs which have been online for more than three months and has indulged in installing and uninstalling some plugins, for them a simple database optimization will not be sufficient.

We are choosing so many plugins throughout the day during the blogging activities. When you uninstall some plugin it will not remove all the holding tables from the WordPress database and if you will be doing this continuously then your WordPress database will be filled with many tables.

The terminology which is used to call that unused tables is the orphan table. They will definitely slow down the performance of WordPress. The only solution is to go and find that unused tables and delete them immediately. All the new bloggers have not that much of technical skills to do all these stuff.

Clean options WordPress plugin will be the most reliable plugin to delete such types of orphan files permanently. After that process, you can choose any free database optimization plugin like WP sweep and WP-Optimize.

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When you will dealing with all these plugins then make sure I will never recommend any one of them, which did not get updated in recent years. It will really get you stuck in a big problem.

When you will go further and search for other WordPress database optimizer then Advanced database cleaner plugin will be the best option. But its free version will never let you delete such orphan tables. You skip this access all the services buy just paying the few dollars.

I will be telling you the complete steps through which you can optimize the bloated database of WordPress blogs.

WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner Plugin For Deleting Orphan Tables:

First of all, you have to create a backup of your WordPress database you can go and choose WP-DB Backup plugin to completely save and find your database anytime.

Backup is very important part of these steps make sure again you have done it already. It will also allow rolling back to your blog again if something unexpected happens.

You will be choosing the pro version of the plugin from here,. You can use the free version which allows you to do some basic optimization. If you are looking forward to doing optimization deeply then you will have to get the premium version and pay for it.

You may go and choose the try one license and take a tour of the future optimization preview. Install the plugin very carefully and activate this using the license key been provided.

General cleanup:

Just click on the "general clean up" tab and check what you need to delete. Click on 'clean' and apply it. You will have to tap on to continue with further processing.

Orphan tables:

We are not doing optimization right now currently we are focusing on orphan tables.

You will have to go to TABLES tab to start the processing of finding the orphan tables.

Just click on "Detect orphan tables" this will take some time detect all the orphan tables according to your database size.

Once the processing is done you will have the orphan tables on your screen. You can simply access them by clicking on to them. You can also check the "belong to" column.

Simply, most of the name of tables start with the plugins you have used previously. You can delete it or you can search it Google to delete it or not. You will be moving to the orphan section after this process.

Orphan option:

Just click on the "options" tab and click on "detect orphans option".

As I have already told you that you would face some problems if you will be doing this for older blogs. Only clean those orphans which you are not using currently.

Again do this, click on the "Scheduled task" tab and repeat the same process again. After this click on "optimize" tab and just go and optimize your database now.

After these magical steps, your complete database will be cleaned and will not face any issues regarding the performance of your WordPress blog.

You will not be getting any scheduled optimization option. Before doing these database alterations you will have to create a backup of your existing database.

More article:

If you wanted to save some space then you can simply deactivate the plugin when it is not in your use. Please repeat this step for every two months. If are having a successful blog running like then you can do it on monthly basis.

Cleaning the database of WordPress blog is an important part of the optimization. If you are not doing this then you may face major slowdown and performance related issues.

Using the WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner:

You will have two options available to download the pro version or the free version.

It is one of the best-advanced database cleaners on which you can rely upon. The good thing is that they will offer you " lifetime free update".

Most of the pro plugins will not provide you such type of offers.

For having a WordPress blog running smoothly without any performance issue then you will have to optimize and clean all the orphan tables. Follow these steps very carefully and do not forget to create the backup of your WordPress blog before doing these optimizations.