In fact, the island is the tip of an extinct volcano that rises to less than 20 meters above sea level, in an area where the waves reached 29 meters. This island made history in 1955 as the last territorial conquest of the British Empire. Queen Elizabeth of Britain authorized the annexation of the islands on September 14, 1955 and on September 18 a crew of two Royal Marines, a naturalist and a commander of the Royal Navy have raised the British flag over the island and cemented a plaque announcing its membership the UK. At 10:16 Commander Desmond Scott became the last navigator who uttered words that made history: " In the name of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I hereby take Possession of this Island of Rockall ." That is: "On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II take] n possession of Rockall Island. " This phrase was uttered by all the great British sailors who discovered new territories overseas and have attached the UK.
The island was annexed following concerns existing at the time of the Cold War on the Soviet forces that could use that rock to spy on British nuclear tests. Between May 26 and July 4, 1985, a former SAS soldier in the forces, Tom McClean, lived on Rockall to strengthen the legal claims of Great Britain on the islands, inform
On this you can read today the following words: "Let the sun and wind do Their work. Leave the oil beneath the waves ". Ie: "Let the sun and wind to do their job. Allow the oil to remain below the waves. "
ROCKALL 2011 - YouTube Only four people slept on islandThroughout history, less than 100 people arrived on Rockall and only four can boast that they have slept there. Those who made this record founded The Rockall Club , among whom are automatically enrolled daring visiting this island. If you want to count you among them, the club's website warns that Rockall visits "are difficult, subject to weather and are not cheap. A walk in the Rockall is a rare phenomenon that requires experience, specialized equipment, good weather and good luck. "
If you want to try your luck, experts recommend that you contact the company to schedule Kilda Cruises, which led to complete 100% of attempts to get on Rockall.
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