Importance of Learning a New Language: Arrival 2016 From Time...

Posted on the 28 July 2019 by Iosonoqui @FLBot1

Importance of Learning a New Language: Arrival 2016

From time to time I find myself explaining why is important to learn a new language. It does not really matter if is: A Computer Language like Java, C/C++, PhP or Python .. A human language like English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Dutch…. A Modelling Language like UML, BPMN

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Title: Importance of Learning a New Language: Arrival 2016

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Published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and more

Announce: From time to time I find myself explaining why is important to learn a new language. It does not really matter if is: A Computer Language like Java, C/C++, PhP or Python .. A human language like English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Dutch…. A Modelling Language like UML, BPMN

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