Immunobooster Jaggery Ladoo Recipe

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

March 4, 2019 Leave a Comment

Boost your family’s health and enjoy a sweet treat at the same time – with this Immunobooster Jaggery Ladoo recipe!

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Immunity is the number one concern for most of Moms, especially around the time the weather changes. This concern is not unwarranted, considering no one wants their child catching whatever latest illness is floating buy. Boosting immunity an help keep away  seasonal illnesses like cold and cough to a great extent, and the best way to do it is through food, and we’re going to do it with laddus!

This Immunobooster Jaggery Ladoo recipe is a healthy and delicious treat for your entire family including little ones. Made with just 3 ingredients and an easy to follow recipe, these ladoos can be made in a jiffy. Serve these guilt free ladoos as breakfast or an after school snack.

Immunobooster Jaggery Ladoo Recipe


  • 1 /2 cup My Little Moppet Food’s Immunobooster drink mix
  • 1/2 cup white Sesame seeds
  • 1/2 cup grated or powdered jaggery

Wondering how to get this Immunobooster mix? Don’t worry, we’ll send it to you! We prepare it fresh as soon as you place your order and deliver it straight to your doorstep.

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1. Heat a pan at medium flame. Add the sesame seeds to it and dry roast for 4-5 minutes.

2. Remove the roasted sesame seeds on a plate and allow to cool down completely.

3. Transfer the seeds to a grinder jar and pulse to get a coarse powder.

4. Next add jaggery and pulse again.

5. Lastly add the immunebooster drink mix and pulse again to blend everything very well.

6. Remove this ladoo mixture in a bowl. Take fistful quantity of this and shape as ladoos using your palms.

7. Make all the ladoos similarly. Keep in an airtight container.

The ladoos remain good for about a week at room temperature in an air tight container. You can serve these ladoos as a fuss-free festive treat for festivals like Makar Sankranti, Holi or Diwali. This is one immunity boosting snack that even fussy eaters can’t resist!

Immunobooster Jaggery Ladoo Recipe   Save Print PREP TIME 15 mins COOK TIME 5 mins TOTAL TIME 20 mins   Boost your family's health and enjoy a sweet treat at the same time - with this Immunobooster Jaggery Ladoo recipe! Author: Hemapriya Recipe type: snack Cuisine: Indian Serves: 10 INGREDIENTS
  • 1 /2 cup My Little Moppet Food’s Immunobooster drink mix
  • ½ cup white Sesame seeds
  • ½ cup grated or powdered jaggery
  1. Heat a pan at medium flame. Add the sesame seeds to it and dry roast for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Remove the roasted sesame seeds on a plate and allow to cool down completely.
  3. Transfer the seeds to a grinder jar and pulse to get a coarse powder.
  4. Next add jaggery and pulse again.
  5. Lastly add the immunebooster drink mix and pulse again to blend everything very well.
  6. Remove this ladoo mixture in a bowl. Take fistful quantity of this and shape as ladoos using your palms.
  7. Make all the ladoos similarly. Keep in an airtight container.
3.5.3251 Wondering how to get this Immunobooster mix? Don’t worry, we’ll send it to you! We prepare it fresh as soon as you place your order and deliver it straight to your doorstep.

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