Immortal Beloved: 30th Anniversary

Posted on the 29 December 2024 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

Immortal Beloved: 30th Anniversary- Gary Oldman’s Surprise Symphony

Quick Take: As someone who spent quite a bit of time in music classes, I think its funny how frequently I was treated to Amadeus, but all I remember was being shown about 5 minutes of Immortal Beloved at one point. So, technically, this is my first watch, even though I have this image burned into my brain of Gary Oldman as Beethoven. And, even though this has audio description, Amadeus is far and away the better film. With these anniversary releases, I always ask… “Did this stand the test of time?” No. Most people have let this fall off the radar, and for good reason. There are better biopics about other composers. Hell, even Beethoven. If it ever has audio description, I quite liked Copying Beethoven, with Ed Harris. Underrated for sure. But, for the classical music buffs, it might be time for you to brush off your Suprise Symphony. While Gary Oldman is good here, he has many performances in his career that have since surpassed this. Hell, even his work as Sirius Black in the Harry Potter franchise is more engaging. For more, check out the video.