Images from Ella’s Bella in Chesterton, Indiana

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Ella’s Bella in Chesterton, Indiana is one styling shop! Everything you need–and yes, that includes shoes!–can be found within these four walls.

Located right in downtown Chesterton, Indiana, you can’t miss this one! The exterior of the shop is just as eye-catching as the interior!

Clothing, jewelry, purses and handbags, well, Ella’s Bella in Porter County makes shopping local look good. Small towns: destinations, not drive-thrus.

Images from Ella’s Bella in Chesterton, Indiana

Ella’s Bella in Chesterton, Indiana

Ella’s Bella in Chesterton, Indiana

Ella’s Bella in Chesterton, Indiana

Ella’s Bella in Chesterton, Indiana

Ella’s Bella in Chesterton, Indiana

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Ella’s Bella
119 Broadway Avenue Ste 1
Chesterton, Indiana 46304

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