Image City Gallery Assignments [Sky Watch Friday]

By Shattman
 For the Image City Gallery assignment in July, we were instructed to take photographs that emphasized a line(s), but not necessarily ‘leading lines’. Thus, the line(s) is an essential part of the subject. This was an interesting challenge that proved to be manageable. It made me look around in a more focussed manner.
This image below was shot [with my LG4 cell phone] in the heart of downtown Rochester. It is our Liberty Pole, constructed in 1965; a 198 foot stainless steel pole that is supported by a network of steel wires, which forms a triangle about its base. It was designed by a Rochester architect, James Johnson. During the winter holiday season, it is strung with lights and lit up at night. In warmer months, the plaza in which it is located is a great place to sit, chat, enjoy lunch or people watch.

 This next image was also shot downtown during an outdoor concert on the last night of the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Fest [16 years and running]. I happened to turn around and the lines I saw just bowled me over. So, as with the Liberty Pole [shot within the same hour], I resorted to my LG4. I don’t know the name of the buildings; but, I will return eventually with my DSLR.

The last image was taken in Cleveland, part of my series on the Frank Gehry building [see my last two postings]. The line reminds me of the bow of a ship.