Illustration by Mona from

By Themowway @themowway
 Art by Mona from
A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with some lovely ladies during the #lbloggers weekly chat (Sundays 19-20h GMT) and I commented that I would like to have some design work done on my blog. A couple of days after, super talented (and beautiful) Mona, from sent me this WONDERFUL illustration.
And I am going to addmit it: a tear (or two) slipped. I couldn't believe that someone who I have never met was willing to be SO KIND and thoughtful. This got me thinking of how AMAZING the internet and how lucky I actually am to be part of the blogging community. Without doubting I can confirm that the best thing about blogging is the connections that you make with other people. It's incredible... the bigger the internet grows, the smaller the world turns... does that make sense?
Mona, thank you once again from the bottom of my heart.You really made my day/week/month. Thanks for being so kind.
Don't forget to visit her blog and let her know what you thought of this act of kindness!
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