Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated way to decrease, increase or maintain body weight. According to Foxcroft, the word diet came from the Greek word Diaita and the first dietitian was an English doctor George Cheyne. It refers to individuals losing weight as it contains low fat, low carbohydrate, and low calorie, and fasting is the various type of dieting. It is the regulation of food intake for the purpose of improving physical and mental health and reducing obesity which is conceived by extra fat. It is cleared based on the constituents of macronutrients. There are many side effects which are caused due to dieting as one is cutting from particular nutritious food and drastically decreasing the limit of calorie intake. In this article, we will discuss some facts and ill effects of dieting and poor nutrition in detail.
In Ayurveda living and non-living beings in the universe are composed of 5 elements which are Panchmahabhoot (Prithvi, Ap, Teja, Vayu, and Akasha). Ahara is the best medicine and is considered one of three sub-pillars of Ayurveda (Trayo-upasthamba). In Ayurveda Incompatibility or Viruddha is a unique concept as Vriudhaahara as it hinders the metabolism of the tissue which causes ill effects in the body.
- Good nutrition is not based on the latest fashions and the primary reason is that the body does not like sudden changes as metabolism is best with regularity.
- The physiological functions and social consciousness are in opposition as it comes from the conflict that wants the best and wants to impress others.
- But the problem in human metabolism is different regarding diet as the body needs regular meals without any conflicting tastes.
- There is an internal clock in our body that functions beyond and allows us to wake regularly at the same hour.
- The more regular diet and time of consumption the happier the body.
- But the problem is the mind is only interested in the latest fad and changes as quickly as possible. As Ayurveda is the latest health fad the main problem is not diet, or care but the psychological addiction to changes.
- Health and personal power are the choices that are beyond the destruction of social conditioning. It is emphasized that buying a car and dress is appropriate but changing the nutrition like clothes causes very serious health issues which lead to chronic diseases.
- A dangerous mental condition is a long-term suicide as far as diet is concerned. Dieting is a huge business and its production of diet foods.
- When we are being fed on a mass scale certain foods that are registered with the government as pesticides and this is the main cause for nutritional plans failing for various individuals. One must control the choices of food which are the more important perception of what your body wants.
- Freedom and health come with knowledge and one must begin to inform the present cultural forces which are destructive and choose an alternative to use biochemical nutrition or use ayurvedic nutrition.
- Willpower is important but far more important than Ayurveda is understanding, as in Diet Cola Ad they are trying to get you a product that is purely chemical in nature. These products damage digestion, the urinary system, and the pH value of blood, and plasma and lower the immunity and minerals from tissues and bones. So, it is better to understand the endeavor in life and most importantly nutrition.
- Based on the diet, the manufacturer writes the label by putting the head in the mouth of the lion. The government has made steps to standardize labeling but still, there are huge similarities in the labeling of products.
- In the first place, you don't find the labels to find the real food in the supermarket. The nutritional value on labels is more confusing than informative.
- Most foods you can buy in cans or boxes, but you can also buy them in a natural form and it is by far the best choice.
- Canning and preserving the food made sense in the past when the food was not available fresh.
- If you are going through label drama to avoid the nutritional facts, one is based on the biochemical model and the second is based on calories for human nutrition.
- Sugar is essential to avoid in 90% of the prepared foods and salt is also important to avoid in prepared foods as it is for Kapha types.
- Labels are the advertising person's way to convince for buying products. Labels don't necessarily tell the benefits the food will actually have for your metabolism.
DANGERS OF DIETING- Dieting will disrupt your metabolism when it is hard to have any other decent diet.
- Diets are not suited for a long period of time as the body begins to have serious problems as it manifests to various digestion problems, lack of luster, and bloating or intestinal gasses.
- According to the Ayurveda diet, the damaged enzyme function is further related to the Agni.
- Agni is responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive fire and provides strong immunity.
- According to Ayurveda the deranged Agni is responsible for the formation of Ama (endotoxins).
- The strength of the agni is affected due to poor diet, improper combinations of food, and emotional disturbances.
- When the digestive Agni is disturbed, the other Agni in the liver and tissues begin to malfunction, leading to acute and chronic diseases.
- A diet mainly concerned with protein powder and various supplements lowers and destroys the enzyme function in a few months.
- A diet that uses more fruits and vegetables tends to have weakened enzyme functions which will never function in the Vata type.
- In general when the diet of a person moves from one diet to another without any consistency and thus metabolism is forced to difficult situations to try and adapt to different types of foods and situations.
- Not Eating or eating less in order to lose weight is a very problematic situation for the Vata type and the Pitta type too.
- Intelligent fasting is very beneficial to restore the Agni and eliminating the toxins (Ama) to restore the functioning of the Agni.
- To restore proper function Dincharaya has mentioned proper fasting guidelines.
- Starve and binge syndrome is the unbalancing of the proper metabolic function. Eating natural foods and bringing tons of sweets is disruptive.
- Ayurveda understands that there is an intelligent principle in the body that allows the functions of a state of health.
- The disease can be seen as a disruption of the Prana Vayu.
- Intelligence exists in human beings with prana and is impossible to separate both function and action.
- If prana Vayu is disturbed the functions of discrimination and inspiration for life are affected first. And when this happens there the whole metabolism is affected in a haphazard manner. Autoimmune and cancers are this kind of dysfunction.
- Therefore the first thing to keep in mind is to choose a good diet plan and this diet plan should be based on good nutrition.
- There must be a historical basis to use the diet.
- Ayurveda is not a dogmatic system, it is based upon the historical use of half of the world over thousands of years.
- The nutritional program increases intelligence and personal power as a high protein diet is popular in women to promote weight loss, Protein is not a good fuel for the body and is used to make the structure of tissues and cells.
- Sometimes proteins are used as a fuel which is burned and leaves the toxic acids in the blood which affect the pH of the body and kidneys and after a prolonged protein diet, it leads to kidney failure or sometimes death or a transplant of the kidney.
- Ayurved brings freedom from all dogma which is associated with foods, nutrition, and educating and empowering you about mind and body.
Health is empowering- Manipulations are not!
Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated way to decrease, increase or maintain body weight. According to Foxcroft, the word diet came from the Greek word Diaita and the first dietitian was an English doctor George Cheyne. Ahara is the best medicine and is considered one of three sub-pillars of Ayurveda (Tray o-upasthamba). In Ayurveda Incompatibility or Viruddha is a unique concept as Vriudhaahara. Agni is responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive fire and provides strong immunity. Ayurveda brings freedom from all dogma which is associated with foods, nutrition, and educating and empowering you about mind and body. So, one must be focused on long-term strategies and implementing regulated food habits without any restrictions on maintaining a healthy weight as a part of our 'manner of living'.
DR. Vikram Chauhan, MD - AYURVEDA is an expert ayurvedic doctor based in Chandigarh, India and doing his practice in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda - Ancient healing treatment, not only in India but also abroad. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. Write at - herbalremedies123@yahoo.com, Contact at - +91-172-521-4030 Websites - www.planetayurveda.com, www.alwaysayurveda.com
View more posts from this author ABSTRACTDieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated way to decrease, increase or maintain body weight. According to Foxcroft, the word diet came from the Greek word Diaita and the first dietitian was an English doctor George Cheyne. It refers to individuals losing weight as it contains low fat, low carbohydrate, and low calorie, and fasting is the various type of dieting. It is the regulation of food intake for the purpose of improving physical and mental health and reducing obesity which is conceived by extra fat. It is cleared based on the constituents of macronutrients. There are many side effects which are caused due to dieting as one is cutting from particular nutritious food and drastically decreasing the limit of calorie intake. In this article, we will discuss some facts and ill effects of dieting and poor nutrition in detail.
In Ayurveda living and non-living beings in the universe are composed of 5 elements which are Panchmahabhoot (Prithvi, Ap, Teja, Vayu, and Akasha). Ahara is the best medicine and is considered one of three sub-pillars of Ayurveda (Trayo-upasthamba). In Ayurveda Incompatibility or Viruddha is a unique concept as Vriudhaahara as it hinders the metabolism of the tissue which causes ill effects in the body.
- Good nutrition is not based on the latest fashions and the primary reason is that the body does not like sudden changes as metabolism is best with regularity.
- The physiological functions and social consciousness are in opposition as it comes from the conflict that wants the best and wants to impress others.
- But the problem in human metabolism is different regarding diet as the body needs regular meals without any conflicting tastes.
- There is an internal clock in our body that functions beyond and allows us to wake regularly at the same hour.
- The more regular diet and time of consumption the happier the body.
- But the problem is the mind is only interested in the latest fad and changes as quickly as possible. As Ayurveda is the latest health fad the main problem is not diet, or care but the psychological addiction to changes.
- Health and personal power are the choices that are beyond the destruction of social conditioning. It is emphasized that buying a car and dress is appropriate but changing the nutrition like clothes causes very serious health issues which lead to chronic diseases.
- A dangerous mental condition is a long-term suicide as far as diet is concerned. Dieting is a huge business and its production of diet foods.
- When we are being fed on a mass scale certain foods that are registered with the government as pesticides and this is the main cause for nutritional plans failing for various individuals. One must control the choices of food which are the more important perception of what your body wants.
- Freedom and health come with knowledge and one must begin to inform the present cultural forces which are destructive and choose an alternative to use biochemical nutrition or use ayurvedic nutrition.
- Willpower is important but far more important than Ayurveda is understanding, as in Diet Cola Ad they are trying to get you a product that is purely chemical in nature. These products damage digestion, the urinary system, and the pH value of blood, and plasma and lower the immunity and minerals from tissues and bones. So, it is better to understand the endeavor in life and most importantly nutrition.
- Based on the diet, the manufacturer writes the label by putting the head in the mouth of the lion. The government has made steps to standardize labeling but still, there are huge similarities in the labeling of products.
- In the first place, you don't find the labels to find the real food in the supermarket. The nutritional value on labels is more confusing than informative.
- Most foods you can buy in cans or boxes, but you can also buy them in a natural form and it is by far the best choice.
- Canning and preserving the food made sense in the past when the food was not available fresh.
- If you are going through label drama to avoid the nutritional facts, one is based on the biochemical model and the second is based on calories for human nutrition.
- Sugar is essential to avoid in 90% of the prepared foods and salt is also important to avoid in prepared foods as it is for Kapha types.
- Labels are the advertising person's way to convince for buying products. Labels don't necessarily tell the benefits the food will actually have for your metabolism.
DANGERS OF DIETING- Dieting will disrupt your metabolism when it is hard to have any other decent diet.
- Diets are not suited for a long period of time as the body begins to have serious problems as it manifests to various digestion problems, lack of luster, and bloating or intestinal gasses.
- According to the Ayurveda diet, the damaged enzyme function is further related to the Agni.
- Agni is responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive fire and provides strong immunity.
- According to Ayurveda the deranged Agni is responsible for the formation of Ama (endotoxins).
- The strength of the agni is affected due to poor diet, improper combinations of food, and emotional disturbances.
- When the digestive Agni is disturbed, the other Agni in the liver and tissues begin to malfunction, leading to acute and chronic diseases.
- A diet mainly concerned with protein powder and various supplements lowers and destroys the enzyme function in a few months.
- A diet that uses more fruits and vegetables tends to have weakened enzyme functions which will never function in the Vata type.
- In general when the diet of a person moves from one diet to another without any consistency and thus metabolism is forced to difficult situations to try and adapt to different types of foods and situations.
- Not Eating or eating less in order to lose weight is a very problematic situation for the Vata type and the Pitta type too.
- Intelligent fasting is very beneficial to restore the Agni and eliminating the toxins (Ama) to restore the functioning of the Agni.
- To restore proper function Dincharaya has mentioned proper fasting guidelines.
- Starve and binge syndrome is the unbalancing of the proper metabolic function. Eating natural foods and bringing tons of sweets is disruptive.
- Ayurveda understands that there is an intelligent principle in the body that allows the functions of a state of health.
- The disease can be seen as a disruption of the Prana Vayu.
- Intelligence exists in human beings with prana and is impossible to separate both function and action.
- If prana Vayu is disturbed the functions of discrimination and inspiration for life are affected first. And when this happens there the whole metabolism is affected in a haphazard manner. Autoimmune and cancers are this kind of dysfunction.
- Therefore the first thing to keep in mind is to choose a good diet plan and this diet plan should be based on good nutrition.
- There must be a historical basis to use the diet.
- Ayurveda is not a dogmatic system, it is based upon the historical use of half of the world over thousands of years.
- The nutritional program increases intelligence and personal power as a high protein diet is popular in women to promote weight loss, Protein is not a good fuel for the body and is used to make the structure of tissues and cells.
- Sometimes proteins are used as a fuel which is burned and leaves the toxic acids in the blood which affect the pH of the body and kidneys and after a prolonged protein diet, it leads to kidney failure or sometimes death or a transplant of the kidney.
- Ayurved brings freedom from all dogma which is associated with foods, nutrition, and educating and empowering you about mind and body.
Health is empowering- Manipulations are not!
Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated way to decrease, increase or maintain body weight. According to Foxcroft, the word diet came from the Greek word Diaita and the first dietitian was an English doctor George Cheyne. Ahara is the best medicine and is considered one of three sub-pillars of Ayurveda (Tray o-upasthamba). In Ayurveda Incompatibility or Viruddha is a unique concept as Vriudhaahara. Agni is responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive fire and provides strong immunity. Ayurveda brings freedom from all dogma which is associated with foods, nutrition, and educating and empowering you about mind and body. So, one must be focused on long-term strategies and implementing regulated food habits without any restrictions on maintaining a healthy weight as a part of our 'manner of living'.