Last week, luxury fashion brand Balenciaga unveiled a new bag – Balenciaga Arena Extra-Large Shopper Tote Bag priced at $2,150 , that bears a striking resemblance to IKEA’s iconic Frakta bag. Ikea seeing the humor of the situation responded in their own way, with an advert on how to identify an original from the ‘copy’.
You know the original – you know the #FRAKTA bag. Our response to @Balenciaga is pick of the day at #CreativityOnline. Read more about it following the link in our bio.
A post shared by ACNE (@acnecollective) on Apr 25, 2017 at 7:05am PDT
Made from synthetic material polypropylene the popular Frakta bags were originally designed by siblings Marianne and Knut Hagberg. So, which one will you be picking up? 99-cent Frakta bag or Balenciaga’s Arena Extra-Large Shopping Tote $2,150?