IIT Bhubaneswar – Techno-Management Fest – Wissenaire – 2016

Posted on the 15 December 2015 by Ssankarr

Wissenaire'16, the annual techno-management festival organized by IIT Bhubaneswar, will be held on 8th to 10th January, 2016. The word Wissenaire is derived from the German word 'Wissen' meaning knowledge and 'aire' meaning free. Wissenaire encompasses various sectors of technology, science and management. These include quizzing, coding, designing, robotics, planning and testing the creativity and innovative spirit of the young technical minds.

Here is the list of events that will be held during the fest:

All the above categories have several events under them. Click on individual category above to check for different events under it or click to go to the event page. Click to register for events.

  • STAAD.Pro
  • SalesForce
  • Internet of Things
  • Augmented Reality
  • Engine Automation
  • App Development

Click to go to the Workshops page and go through the details of individual workshop before registering for it. Click to register for Workshops.

With the theme 'Vitalizing Virtuality', sixth edition of Wissenaire is going to be a technical extravaganza in 2016. So, what are you waiting for! Book your ticket to Bhubaneswar from 8 th to 10 th January, 2016.

Website: http://www.wissenaire.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wissenaireiitbbs

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5ilJWwwFyc

Enjoy the Glimpses of Wissenaire'15 in the following video

IIT Bhubaneswar - Techno-Management Fest - Wissenaire - 2016