If Your Dog Is Scratching, Try Changing His Water

By David13676 @dogspired

Scratch, bite, scratch, bite… to the vet, steroids, “seasonal allergies.” This was the continuing cycle of our poor dog’s skin allergies. Indy, our nine-year-old English cocker spaniel suffered for years–up until six weeks ago. The groomer we have been going to for more than twenty years told us a very interesting story. One of her clients, who lives nearby in Northeast Connecticut, said her dog stopped his cycle of scratching when they moved to another town only miles away. Why? She guessed that it was due to the change in drinking water.

We have very hard water and use a water softener, but we have always used Britta filters for our (and our dog’s) drinking water. Thinking that we had nothing to lose (except more vet bills!) we changed our dog’s water that very day to spring water (Poland Springs).

Surprise! No more scratching at all. It was like a miracle. The relief that came from changing Indy’s drinking water does not come with any scientific evidence–it is merely anecdotal. But it is really working! Indy is now very mellow and seems happy. And we feel so much better, too. It’s something you might want to try with your own itchy dog!