If You Could Be Anywhere Right Now, Where Would You Be?

By Umkhaloodie

Tonight I had a question and answer session on Instagram.
The question was: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you want to be?

I loved all the answers and thank you to everyone that commented.

Right now, I’d like to be in the Swiss Alps with hubby dearest Bokhaloodie surrounded by pretty lights, snow and a log fire with melancholy music playing quietly in the background. That’s a ‘dream moment’. We all have those ‘moments’ but truth be told, I’m more than happy to be where I am right now. Kuwait is home. Kuwait makes me happy and content and I couldn’t ask for a better family.
My InLaws adore me, my husband loves me and my children are absolute angels. Alhumdillilah
We all have hopes and dreams and at times, we let our minds run away with us but cherish what you have and be grateful, we don’t realize how lucky we are, say alhumdillilah often and keep Allah next to your heart.