If Obama is Bad for Business, Why Are Foreign Investors Racing to Invest in America?

Posted on the 12 June 2012 by Btchakir @btchakir

From CNN Business:

“The State Department expects to issue over 6,000 “investor visas” in the current fiscal year, which would be an all-time record. Other countries, meanwhile, are following the U.S.’s lead, keen to spur growth in lean economic times.”

And Politicus USA summarizes:

The Dow Jones has increased 85% from 2009-2012, the S&P 500 has increased 98% since Obama took office, and corporate profits after taxes have increased 68% since President Obama took his oath. Now finally, Obama has turned this economy around from losing 750,000 jobs a month in the first quarter of 2009, to averaging growth of 150,000 jobs per month. So either foreign investors are really stupid to invest in America, when they could be investing more in Brazil, Russia and China or they see amazing economic strength coming down the pipe for America!

How much investment in America has Mitch McConnell (or John Boehner) or Mitt Romney brought in?

From what I can see: nothing.