If Lebron Goes Back to Miami I Think We Need Re-Think The Way We Obsess Over Individual Athletes.

By Ceboscuit @ceboscuit
July 10, 2014

I don’t know where you should go either, bron bron.

I’m sitting here in a hotel room waiting for my phone and computer to literally explode with news that Lebron James has made his decision on where he will play the next few years of his life.  This time around there’s been no “Decision” but the hype has been even bigger in a shorter period of time.  The reason? The Media and Social Media have made it everyone’s business to know what’s happening with Lebron.

Questoin for you all: When was the last time you heard or saw Lebron James?  The guy has literally done nothing over the past few days yet the speculation has run rampant.  Just now, I got this tweet:

@SteveSpoiler: Supposedly LeBron announcement set for 3:30. Akron Area Code: 330” @ceboscuit reach much?

— Debo Lets Loose (@debo2pt) July 10, 2014

ESPN spends at least 2 of every 10 minutes talking about Lebron, and hell even I’m writing this blog solely about him right now. It’s easy to justify it by saying that wherever Lebron goes, the championships will follow, but I’m not so sure that’s the case. Sure I could be wrong and he, Melo and Wade and Bosh and Love and everyone else will join forces and create a team that will not only win NBA Championships but effectively bring peace to the world. I just don’t know if I believe this guy is going to win a lot more championships. Remember, the Spurs are still good, KD is getting better and there are other teams that are only going to get better. There is no guarantee, even with Lebron. He promised how many championships to Miami?

And how many did he deliver? 2. Sure he made the Finals all four years but whatever, he promised 8 and played four years. I’m not a genius or anything but I don’t think he could have won 8 in four years.

That’s why if he chooses to go back to Miami, this has all be a colossal waste of everyone’s time. Millions of people have spent their days and nights speculating where King James will play next. If he’s back in South Beach why didn’t he just say so. It would have saved a lot of people’s time and effort. But I digress. Hold on to your cell phones and laptops folks, the decision part 2 is coming and it’s going to get bat shit crazy.

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