If I Were to Go to Fashion Week I Would Wear...#2

By Shugavery @ThinkIncognito
So here is the second potential-fashion-week outfit I created. Remember last time I told you that I was doing this serie to give confidence to people right ? That is why today I turned an everyday look into a more chic one thanks to one element : a good pair of red heels.

I wear what I am and I am what wear, I think this outfit is one of the best representation of my self. I love colours, I love vintage, I love these dungarees, I love the black cardigan under my jacket, in brief if I love what I am wearing I am mostly to feel at ease because it is just how I would dress in a normal day when going out with friends.I am reading more and more on blogs and sites about people that are going to Fashion Week only to get their minute of fame by getting their picture shot by the masters of streetstyle. I could care less about going to FW only to be noticed but as a matter of fact I do think that not every person who will ask for a picture is a streetstyle monster with whom you won't have any time to chat with because always hunting for the next great look. Much more than getting attention I think being photographed is a great way to meet new people. Hence my choice of introducing you to something I often do : turning my everyday outfits into chic ones with one piece of clothing, an accessory or an original pair of shoes. And here I guess you could say that these red heels are the chic factor of this outfit. After all, clothes are a great way to begin a conversation.
If you don't have the budget like me to afford big brands, just put clothes you feel stylish and comfortable with, and above all find the thing that will make your outfit stand out.What is your "chic" factor to turn a simple outfit into an awsome one ?