If All Else Fails, I Can Join the Circus

By Alustforallseasons @bgstrzelczyk

Catch hands!

    Back in September, my glittering-in-crime friend Jen bought us Groupon vouchers (for my B-day) for a two hour flying trapeze class at TSNY Boston. We had talked about taking such a class for at least four years and we finally did this past Saturday! 
I'm still shocked at how much we learned and how much we did in just two hours. Less than 15 minutes after checking in, they strapped me in and I was flying ... upside down ... with no hands. It was incredible.
But as much fun as it was, I never got over the fear of jumping. Once I was in the air, I felt confident, but those few seconds that I was standing on the edge, I was SO SCARED. I literally conquered my fear eight times in one morning. 
Regardless, though, I HIGHLY recommend taking a class. It's so rewarding and exhilarating -- and addicting! Plus, at the end of class you get to do a catch -- which is easily one of the top 10 coolest things I've ever done in my life. 
I think I can officially add circus skillz to my resume.
Side note: I have to mention this since it's weird -- TSNY Boston is located inside the Jordan's Furniture complex in Reading, Mass. You're surrounded by Disney music, a water-light show, and an ice cream shoppe. It's pretty hard to explain the randomness of it all but trust me -- it's bizarre.