Idol Worship And New Age

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.” Revelation 1:8

so all the world from east to west will know there is no other God. I am the LORD, and there is no other. -Isaiah 45:6

As a young child I was aware of the bible’s warnings to not consult with psychics, to not engage in astrology, to not venerate any false deity, and the like.

Growing up, I didn’t see the harm within reading books on horoscopes or identifying myself with my zodiac sign, however, there was a time when I stopped in respect to what God acknowledged through the bible and out of gratitude/consideration for how he watched out for me and protected me.

There was also a time when I wouldn’t have dared to visit a fortune-teller.

What made me give these forbidden things a second thought was the fact that I had the gift of second-sight. The insight that I had had kept me ahead (knowing things I wasn’t taught), aware (discerning/sensing things about people and things that other people couldn’t sense), able to grasp (keenly perceptive), and in tune (connected to the spirit realm).

From the age of between three or five is the earliest I remember seeing visions in my mind’s eye just before they would come true. I was very advanced and my mother always told me that there was something special about me.

My mother never encouraged any kind of mystical or new age behavior she wasn’t into those type of things. It was I who had took an interest later on in life as I was very spiritually inclined.

I had met a few readers who did prove to be accurate and helpful so I wondered if all of these faculties were actually all devil-derived. I myself wasn’t satanic or naturally inspired to indulge within satanic practices. Some people have special talents/gifts that they use ethically or unethically through misguidance or through ill-intentions.

To make a long story short, there is a difference between divination and prophetic ability. One comes from the devil and the other comes from God.

The scriptures say that we must test the spirit.

I never worshipped any image as there is, of course, no life within a created item. Though I’ve used a few statues as a representation of what I came to believe as positive energy forces working in my life when I believed God was against me and I was angry at him.

By God’s utter grace and mercy, no harm ever came to me in my quest for peace and protection through means other than him. I am not making any excuse because in no way is disobedience acceptable to God, but he knows our hearts and maybe he spared me because I wasn’t doing anything out of deliberate spite and I wasn’t trying to intentionally harm anyone.

Maybe God took into consideration all I had been through as a child on up and took a gentler, compassionate approach at correcting me-I don’t know. I just know the Lord has been so forgiving and generous with his love and patience.

He gave me the opportunity to seek him again even when I hadn’t planned to return. God knows how to get our attention even if it takes a tragic situation to make us wake up and listen.

For God to love us that much is truly amazing. He could have just let me be and left me to my own solution but no real father abandons his child and leaves them to fend for themself blindly.

A true parent will ferociously run after their beloved offspring and wrestle them from any attacker’s trap/grip ardently.

I repented and turned away from such things and purely use whatever gifts the Lord gave to me for his glory. Yes, I do have spiritual gifts, however, the gifts are the abilities that God enables through me and not of myself even though I may have been born with them.

All things come through the Lord who gets all the credit. We can do nothing and are absolutely nothing without him. We are just fortunate vessels who humbly serve him.

I advise anyone into the New Age culture to immediately cease from that lifestyle and completely turn and depend on God for everything.

New Age involves and consists of Reiki Healing, Healing with Crystals, Occult Practices, Astrology Charts, Sorcery, Channeling and Invoking Spirits/Energy (which are actually just the usual demons of Satan), worshipping false deities and etc….

Special Note: Idolatry is not just about or referring to principalities and beliefs in other systems. Anything, or anyone, can turn into an idol if we set the value for that thing or person higher than our value for God. As it happens, good things can turn into idols when we consider them the utmost things in our lives. An idol is when something or someone becomes more significant to us than God.

God/Jesus is the only path that directs us to genuine knowledge and fulfillment. He is the entire truth, light and way. God/Jesus is love and life. Anything else is deceit and death.

Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts. -1 John 5:21

So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world. -Colossians 3:5