Idle Thoughts While Surfing...

By Beachbungalow8 @beachbungalow8
I wish there was a game show where the contestant was brought into a room,  packed with crap. { think 'Hoarders' without the dried up cat carcasses } and then given 60 seconds to find the most expensive thing in the room.
Because I'd be really, really good at it. I'd win. I'd go on to the next level, a warehouse filled with the unmarked boxes in which to find the Fabrege egg {or washer and dryer, or speedboat } I can type in the word, 'clutches' on a search engine { as in small evening bags - not manual transmission cars } and look at the image page, filled with a hundred variations on the theme. And zoom. My eye goes straight to this one:

And I know, that if there were such a show?  I'd have fierce competition......
The classic, Hermes Jige clutch for spring 2011   prices starting from $ 2,725

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