Ideal Backyard Designs With Fire Pits

By Mattnem05 @mattnem05

Backyard designs with fire pits - Before starting any garden project, homeowner make a number of decisions. Location of courtyard is often dictated by location of doors and other features of home. This often defines how patio and fire pit will be located. For many homeowners, financial considerations dictate size patio. Same can be said about materials used in project.

Compare cost of a wooden, concrete or block courtyard. Also compare total project cost for each material. Raw materials in a wooden terrace can be more expensive than materials for a cement block courtyard, but labor costs may negate any savings. Actual level terrace should reflect home residents' lifestyles. Some people prefer a quiet seating area around backyard designs with fire pits. Others prefer a patio bar and more of a party atmosphere. Design a "floor plan" for patio, which will provide type of outdoor recreation owners wish.

Backyard designs with fire pits must also be at least 20 meters away from trees or brush. These safety guidelines are basic references. Local zoning and building codes may vary. Brand stones come in many different designs. Local rock can make a beautiful and natural-looking fire pit. Other choices include cultured stone, brick or block or even a free-standing metal design. Homeowner will likely make choice based on cost and aesthetics. Many of freestanding metal fireplaces offer mask spark coverage. Cover prevents sparks from flying away from grave and causing injury. This type of coverage is required by law in some areas.