I Won!!

By Evette Garside @evette77

Sorry for the late post but I am one happy mommy tonight.
Having very little to do on a Friday night and being a little short of pennies I headed over to @ToyTesterstv on Twitter who were hosting a huge you giveaway for 2 hours via #UltimateToyComps.
15 giveaways in total and I joined in on giveaway 5 (I think). The toy prizes were fantastic with all the most wanted ones on there.
Anyway the final question (15) came to asking about favorite all time toys and why. I gave 2 answers. First my Atari 2600 as it was one of the first ever gaming consoles and so retro and second the Speak & Spell as I was rather naughty and would input swear words ha.

Well 9pm came and they announced it was finished so I thought nothing of it. Then a tweet popped up. This tweet!

Yes @Evette77 that’s me.

I won the ANKI DRIVE. Probably the best giveaway there tonight and I’m very happy.
I did need to google what it was but I think I will have one very happy little boy this Christmas.

Thank you Toy Testers tv and also evolution pr for emailing me about the giveaway.

Happy happy happy!!

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