I Wish, I Wish I Had a Cat!

By Mobileriam @roubalita

When I was younger, there was always a cat somewhere around in the garden but never in the house because I am allergic to most animals’ fair.

I used to take care of them, give them a bath (got over that bad habit after the age of 8) and most important of all play with them.  As back in early ’80s pet shops were practically non-existent in Athens I had to make toys for my kittens myself.  I remember that their favourites were just as simple as some paper tied at the end of a long ribbon that I used to swing over my kittens to catch.

When I saw the other day the FroliCat Bolt laser toy I couldn’t help but think how happy my kittens would have been with it and probably hated my handmade toy.

That laser toy as you can see in the photo is definitely a geek’s cat high-tech toy to play around the house or anywhere you would carry your cat to, as it works perfectly on any surface or when holding it in your hands.

You can either use the Automatic Mode to have random patterns projected on any surface or control it manually if you want to be part of the party your kitten will certainly be having.  There is even a timer so that it turns off automatically after 15 minutes.  A good idea would also be to use it when you are not at home so that your pet is occupied with it instead of “trimming” its claws on your sofa.

If I had a cat, I know I would treat her to one immediately.  If you fancy it you can find more info about it and buy it online here.

PS: I don’t have a cat anymore because not being able to keep them in the house meant that they were in the garden which they of course exited whenever they felt like strolling and socializing around the neighbourhood.  I didn’t have a problem with that but unfortunately most of them were either run over by careless drivers or even worse poisoned