I Will Not Take Crap from a Woman

Posted on the 12 July 2017 by Calvinthedog

I realize that nowadays that the Cultural Left, PC and feminism have taken over society and the patriarchy has been overthrown and replaced with a repressive matriarchy, what I am going to say will seem like a horrible sexist attack on women, but I will say it anyway.

The thing is, I can take crap from a man. Online for sure. I just block him on Facebook or Quora or on my site. He’s just gone. Other than that, I just leave the conversation. I don’t usually start stuff with men online. I have started stuff with a few of them, but they came to my site walking right in the front door swinging fists at me. I wrote a few of them back emails cussing them out and vaguely threatening them. Vague threats are 100% legal by the way. If LE arrested everyone who engaged in vague threats, they would have to lock up half the population. Even people who make full and explicit threats are rarely charged, though they can be. If it’s done on the phone, you need to record the conversation. If it’s in person, you need to record it or have witnesses. And there are great problems with online threats, which are almost never prosecuted.

Thing is, I can hold my own against men, especially if I have done something wrong. If I screw up, I just apologize and try to calm the guy down. Or maybe I just walk away and call him some name as I am out the door. I don’t want to get into it with a man. I accept because it’s man to man, so it feels “fair” to me.

In Man World, if you insult a stranger or someone you do not know well, all men know that you can very well get hit. Or worse, you can be killed. I sort of feel that  other men have a right to punch me in the face, and that’s why I suck up to almost all men when I am out in public. And if there are any serious bullies, I usually just apologize, back down, go submissive and try to get them to back off.

People do not understand the world of men. When a bully challenges you and threatens you, he is not necessarily going to hit you. He is going to hit you if you don’t back down. What he wants first and foremost is a sign of submission. So you go seriously submissive to the guy and apologize floridly. Generally speaking, the bully just backs down. It’s like when a cat attacks another cat and the other cat goes submissive and rolls on its back exposing its stomach. That’s all the attacker wanted. He just wanted to dominate that other cat. Once the other cat goes submissive, it’s over, and the has proven its dominance and is free to walk away.

Most displays of aggression are often just dominance games. The attacker is trying to dominate the other party, and he wants him to go submissive in front of him. Once the attacked person has gone submissive or apologized, it’s all over because the attacker has now shown his dominance over the attacked.

The thing is, I absolutely will not take crap from women at all. Period. Not even 1% really. Especially from strangers either online or in meatspace. I almost never get any crap from women in meatspace.

The thing is, I have an end to the bargain to uphold. I have to behave with basic common courteous politeness and decency in general and to any woman that I am interacting with in particular. If I start acting like a serious ass, men and even women around me are going to start giving me crap and rightfully so. So in order to not invite justified aggression against myself, I behave like a gentleman in public.

I pretend to like people all the time.

I can take it from a woman if I know her and she has some power over me. My landlord chews me out sometimes. I just go submissive to her and apologize whether I did anything or not. She’s my landlord. I have to kiss her ass. I have to at least pretend to like her, and for the first five years I lived here, I did just that.

Does anyone know why I feel this way? When I react this way, I am not even thinking. It is raw and primal. It feels as natural as urinating, defecating, eating or drinking. My mind just goes into automatic and I act completely unthinkingly. Afterwards I often ask myself, “Why did I blow up and cuss that woman out, anyway””