I Was Blindfolded and I Think Photos Were Taken of Me Posing

Posted on the 27 October 2012 by Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Hello Emma -Confidentially… back in the 1950′s my father was posted to Singapore; he was in the RAF medical corps. My 2 brothers and I were sexually abused during our time there and it has haunted me ever since. My Mum was about to give birth to our youngest brother and we were taken to the hospital when my dad went to work in order to give her a break. While my dad was working we were left alone and baby-sat by various Airmen who abused us.

My brothers were raped by them and a music teacher they had at the time – I cant fully remember what the men did to me ( I’m sure I’ve blocked it out) but I was blindfolded and I think photos were taken of me posing.

I was too terrified to react or tell anyone and became a very frightened and anxious little girl, developing a stammer. Since adulthood and not until we were well into our 30′s we’ve spoken about it together - that’s how I found out about my brothers experiences.

One of my brothers later went on to sexually abuse my younger sister who at the time ( in Singapore)stayed home with our mum and wasn’t subjected to what us 3 went through. I’d like to tell someone, to report this but to who?

We questioned my dad about this many, many years later but he was gob-smacked and said he had no clue what was going on. I dont know whether I believed him.