I Want to Write

By Lindsay James @leavelindzalone

I am feeling the urge to write something awesome. However, I can never think of anything to write about that falls into this category. I am constantly reading fantastic material written by other bloggers and it inspires me every time. But every time I sit down to write that ‘awesome’ piece, my mind just draws a blank and I’m stuck. I feel like none of my ideas are original enough  to interest the public or to attract more readers to my own blog.

I always have millions of ideas in my head and I can never seem to get them all down on paper, let alone a computer screen. It is frustrating to me. I feel like I will never be able to write something people will want to read. This is a problem since I have wanted to write something of substance for years. Obviously, it still hasn’t happened.

In school I was able to churn out A-grade papers like it was nobody’s business. Unfortunately all of them were research papers and did absolutely nothing to foster writing creatively or anything of a remotely creative nature – except maybe the research topic itself. I did have a knack for those at least.  But still not conducive to creativity in writing. As a result, the same though goes through my head every time I sit down in an attempt to write:

I am not a creative person.

At least I don’t FEEL like a creative person… No doubt someone has already written or created what I am just coming up with. So what good is it? It isn’t original. It isn’t interesting. At least not in my own head… I want to be creative. I want my material to be interesting to people. I want people to WANT to read what I write. Would I want to read what I write? Probably not. And this is where my dilemma stands. I am at a loss.

I think this may be something I struggle with for a long time – wanting to write something but feeling like I will never be able to make it happen. The urge to write that defining piece will likely never go away. I sometimes wonder if it is something as simple (relatively speaking) as a confidence issue. Do I feel this way because I don’t think I am confident enough in myself? Could be. Will I really know for sure? Likely not. And the writing dilemma continues…

I have a blog I write for (obviously, since this post is currently appearing on it). The problem for me is that I feel like none of it is really anything of substance. It feels shallow and superficial to me. Maybe people enjoy it, but I’m not completely convinced it is truly meaningful to anyone but myself, and then, only because it is my own hobbies that I write about.

I even struggled with writing this post. It has taken me months to finally get this out there. Kudos to me, I guess…