This is my Gertie
Cycling is style!
As I've posted previously, you’ll know I love to ride my bike. I cycle to work, I cycle to town, I'll even go on little adventures on my 1992 Raleigh Chiltern called Gertie. She has been a great investment, and even though lugging her up and down two flights of stairs (I live in a flat with no bike lock up area) is hard for my little arms, I'm still so grateful to have her. She is a typical ladies bike, she has a basket and even a bike satchel that attaches on the back, she's ideal for my toing and froing in my local town.Cycling doesn't have to be about races which many think it is, it can be about just keeping fit, enjoying the fresh air and knowing you're doing something great for your health. You may or may not of heard about the Sky Go Ride, but I really want to share this event with you. I’m due to take part in their Midlands Birmingham event Sunday 19th June, which I’m extremely excited about! My boyfriend and I are heading over with our bikes and going for a day out with many others. You can chose various distances you want to ride, all ages can get involved too, making it ideal for a family day out.
Sky, British Cycling and partner councils have come together to organize traffic-free bike rides throughout the UK. Last year, they organised Sky rides which had over 200,000 men, women and children taking part across 17 UK cities. This year, there’ll be 18 Sky Ride City events nationwide, including towns and cities like Plymouth, Ipswich and Birmingham. This type of event is the perfect setting, to try out cycling if you’re a little hesitant, and equally so if you’re an enthusiastic cyclist you can still enjoy what this event has to offer. There truly is a mixture for everyone and the plus side is you will meet new people, and also explore various places! If taking part in one of the city does put you off, don’t fear Sky Ride have organised more local quieter rides. These tend to be through various parklands and countrysides and are led by British Cycling Ride Leaders – which to be honest is the perfect receipe for a cycling newbie! If you’re one of these people who thinks that you’d like to give cycling ago, you truly have no excuse not to, as there’ll be 40 different locations across the country! So get peddling!
If you didn’t think the Sky Ride alone wasn’t exciting enough there are heaps of fantastic prizes to be won by simply registering. One of the prizes you can potentially get your hands on is cycling experience with the one and only, Sir Chris Hoy at the National Cycling Centre in Manchester! Now, we all saw that beautiful pair of legs he had... why wouldn’t we want a training session with him?! Obviously and he is a cycling genius, of course!
Question is what should I wear to ride my purple bicycle? Knowing British weather I'm opting for my House of Holland Sky Go Ride Exclusive Jacket and possibly some colourful skinny jeans. Who knows, Sunday will be the deciding day!
Sky Go Ride said:
"Sky Rides are part of our commitment to getting a million more people cycling regularly by 2013 and we’re really excited to announce that we’ve just extended our agreement with British Cycling until 2016"
If you are thinking of going please get yourself registered and let me know. There are STILL spaces left, for Sunday 19th Birmingham Sky Ride. I'm 100% going, anyone fancy coming and having a cyclist meet up? Let me know!