I Want to Meet You in 2019 — Yes, You!

By Trendytechie @theTrendyTechie

If there’s one thing I’ve learned on my startup journey, it’s the value of a network. Over the last year I’ve met hundreds of amazing people who have opened their doors and calendars to me and my team to mentor, give feedback, make connections, or just chat through our challenges. And I’m ready to pass that on.

I’m not usually a proponent of new year’s resolutions, but this year I’m setting a big goal: to have a virtual coffee with someone new, every single weekday morning. That’s 260 new people, or 130 hours spent in new conversations. And I want you to be one of them!

Click to book me for a virtual coffee in 2019!

What I’m looking for:

Interesting conversation! If you…

  • Are working on something cool
  • Have an interesting idea
  • Need a different perspective
  • Have a big question
  • Are working through a tough challenge
  • Need startup or technical mentorship
  • Just want to chat

…I want to hear from you! Book a time with me and let’s talk. All you need is an internet connection and half an hour.

What I can offer/a bit about me:

I’m a Canadian-born Italian/German/Indonesian woman. I’m a developer by training and an entrepreneur by nature, and I’m on a mission to make the world more empathetic through technology.

My motto is, “do everything with love.”

Prior to founding my company Crescendo, I worked as a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft, where I focused on artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and blockchain (yes, those sound like #buzzwords but I did actually build some cool things). I’m also a freelance technical educator specializing in blockchain development, and I worked with Lighthouse Labs to create Canada’s first blockchain developer bootcamp. I’m a long time blogger and first-time author, and am working on a new book that I can’t exactly talk about yet (except maybe on our virtual coffee call ).

In the last year I’ve gone from being a salaried employee at the world’s most valuable company, to a founder and employer at my own startup. I’ve gone through a startup incubator (Next36) and an accelerator (Techstars), broke off a 6-year relationship and found new love, and experienced the worst pain of my life watching my mother pass away after a four-year battle with cancer.

I’ve learned how to turn an idea into a real company with real customers. I’ve hired employees and messed up management and learned how to be better. I’ve shipped a product and done user testing and integrated feedback from hundreds of users, customers, and mentors. I’ve become really good at organizing my time.

Throughout my career in tech I’ve faced gender discrimination and ageism. I’ve left that horrible boss. I’ve had my understanding of gender diversity challenged and changed, and learned how to be a better ally, especially to my genderqueer and nonbinary friends. I’ve realized how complex we all are and how much more effective teams can be when everyone — everyone! — feels like they can fully thrive.

I’m a musician, a nerd, a mentor, and a mentee. And finally, I’m honest. I’ll give you real opinions and be as candid as I can. My goal for doing this is to make real connections and see how we can help each other make this world seem a little smaller and more accessible.

If any of this interests you, book a call with me and let’s chat!

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