I Want to Be Nice to the Times of Israel, but They're Making It Hard

Posted on the 14 March 2016 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
I sometimes don't really know what to make of the Times of Israel.
I prefer it to the Jerusalem Post, despite its lack of Caroline Glick or Martin Sherman - and Ha'aretz, of course, can go straight to hell - but headline editors have the tendency to drive me absolutely bats.
Look at this headline:
Most West Bank Palestinians oppose uprising — poll
That sounds hopeful, does it not?
But then directly beneath the headline, before the actual beginning of the article, we read:
Survey shows wide gaps between residents of West Bank and Gaza, where 8 in 10 want more knife attacks BY SUE SURKES March 14, 2016, 2:56 pm
So, Gazan Arabs want to kill Jews, but the Arabs of Judea and Samaria do not?
Is that the idea?
According to the article:
Sightly more than half of West Bank Palestinians (52 percent) oppose continuing the violent uprising against Israel, while three quarters of their Gazan counterparts (76 percent) are in favor, a survey published Sunday shows.
In a separate question, 80% of Gazans expressed support for continuing the current round of knife attacks, while 54% of West Bank residents opposed it.
Gazans, in general, who are virtually all Arab-Muslims, have driven both Jews and Christians out of the strip and love the idea of killing Jews whereas only about half of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria do so?
Is that the idea?
{Well, that makes me feel better.}
It's good to know that only half of the Arabs in the land that Jews come from want to see us dead.
That should be the headline:
Almost half of Arabs on Jewish land want to see those Jews dead.
You know, I like David Horovitz of Times of Israel fame. He came out of the Jerusalem Post and created something more contemporary, more stream-lined, and easier on a home computer. But what is this nonsense?
You cannot have it both ways.
The headline implies peaceful Arabs, while the content does not.
Since the start of the current wave of Palestinian terrorism and violence in September, there have been 202 stabbings and attempted stabbings, according to Israel’s Foreign Ministry, as well as 82 shootings and 41 car rammings, with 34 people killed. Some 180 Palestinians have also been killed, about two thirds while carrying out or attempting to carry out attacks, and the rest in clashes with the IDF, Israel says.
This is just stupid writing... and, believe me, I know a thing or two about stupid writing.
We are to understand that 34 people have been killed since the beginning of the Children's Intifada, along with some 180 "Palestinians"?
I am not exactly thrilled with the Pal-Arabs because the society that they have created is pathological, violent, and entirely hate-filled toward the Jewish people, but I am pretty sure that they are actual human beings.
A lack of confidence in the Palestinian leadership overall was reflected when pollsters asked who was trusted most. Abbas came first with 14.4%, followed by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyah (10.8%) and Marwan Barghouti, who secured 9.9%, up from 5.4% a year ago. Barghouti is a senior PLO official found guilty by an Israeli court in 2002 of terrorism and murder for planning bomb attacks on civilians.
What this claims, essentially, is that Pal-Arabs have virtually no faith in their leadership and it is this that should have been highlighted, not the deceptive headline which suggests Arab friendliness toward the Jewish people.
A big 14.4 percent of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria like dictator Abbas.
Well, that's shocking.
What? He's in the eleventh year, or thereabouts, of his four year term and Pal-Arabs do not like it? Of course, Palestinian-Arabs despise their leadership. The reason for this is because Arab and Muslim leadership, in general, is horrendous. From Tehran to Amman to Islamabad, Muslim political leadership tends to suck in the worst possible ways. They could not care less about their own people and they use use anti-Jewish racism as a club to keep their own people in line and to curry favor with the western elite... who, we seem to need to relearn, decade upon decade, are not huge fans of the Jewish people, either.
I think that the Times of Israel is a good newspaper slash blog, but I dislike being deceived so early in the morning.