I Want My Children To Know Why I Don’t Smoke.

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

There are only a few things in life that I am passionate about. Most of the time, I am an easy, go with the flow person. I believe everyone has rights and they can choose how they live. I have always told my kids that what other people do is often no wrong, or right, but different. My culture and way of life is important to me, but I do not judge people who want to live a different lifestyle then I do. My Dad was the most important person in the world to me as a child. I looked up to him and trusted that he was the smartest man in the world. He made life fun and gave my sister and I a love for trying new things and adventure. It was normal to see him with a cigarette in his mouth. I was never embarrassed or worried about the fact he smoked and never gave it a second thought.

General Warnings

As I entered my teen years, there were more and more warnings that smoking might cause cancer. People talked about it, but most of time no one was really concerned. It was socially acceptable and most grown men did smoke. We heard statistics about lung cancer, but that was something that happened to other people, not someone I knew and loved.

It Is Hard To Break a Habit

My Dad did make several attempts to stop smoking. My sister and I usually hated when he tried, because he would get in a really bad mood. Usually he was only able to stop for a few weeks. He had been smoking since he was fourteen and old habits are hard to break, if not impossible.

Your Dad is Full of Cancer

When my Dad was in his fifties, he was full of life and enjoyed skiing, hiking and backpacking. I was always proud of all he did and we joked that he would be around at least forty more years. My kids loved their Papa and he adored them. He started complaining that he felt dizzy all the time. We told him, it was nothing, but he was concerned enough to see the Doc. After a quick check up, we heard he had a spot on his lung. Surgery quickly followed and then there was the moment I will never forget. The surgeon came out of the operating room and told us Daddy was full of cancer due to smoking and had three months to live. I still relieve that day in my mind and I want my kids and grandchildren to know why I am passionate about the dangers of smoking. It is a story I hope gets passed down to each new generation. Because I do believe that smoking kills. It killed my Dad.

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