I've Lost My Mojo ...

By Sue15cat

I've lost my mojo!!
I feel just like this little doggie, although it's a bit chilly to fling myself face down on the patio and anyway my sore back wouldn't allow it  :-(

Tucked away with my mojo is my 'blojo '  ...  I'm being very careful not to add a couple of additional letters there  ;-)

This might have happened !!

Remember when 'Mojos' were sweets along the lines of these Fruit Salads and Black Jacks ... very politically incorrect I assume these days, but we were innocent back then and life was so much more simple.
Anyway at the moment life is strange, I haven't been able to do the things I thought I wanted to do, I don't know if I even want to do the things I think I should want to do ... and even if I try to do them and succeed a little bit it puts me back a few days and further into the confusion.
Now I bet you're as confused as me, if you've lost your mojo and happen to find it see it has a friend there with it, if it has and you think it's mine please send it back as soon as possible.  If when it arrives it's not actually mine I will start a collection and distribute them to anyone else in this position at a future date  ;-)
Sue xx.