I've Conquered Spam on My Blog! Previews of Coming Attractions!

By Lizmckeown1955 @WritersBoost
In the past few weeks, Spammers were either just adding comments full of gibberish or they were trying to turn my indie writer's blog into a marketplace for video games.
I only allow members of my blog to comment now. I feel relieved. After all, I do enjoy blogging. It is my form of service to others. Follow me if you want to be a member.
I have two author friends who have book releases coming soon.
Deborah Brown has another one of her exciting books in the Paradise Series coming in less than a week. See her books here: http://deborahbrownbooks.com/titles/
And Jean Peel has a delightful series of books about a fat, gray cat named Aunt Sally. They are coming out of Ocean Reeve Publishing Company. She also writes fantastic Haiku poetry! Her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jean.peel.3
So stay tuned - spam free!