I've Been Nominated for a Liebster Award!

By Emmielois @emmielois
  Well how exciting! I have been nominated for the Liebster award by Jennifer from http://longlashlove.blogspot.co.uk/ be sure to check her out!  I've seen this award floating about the blogosphere and I am chuffed that I can now put it on my page.
Let me explain how it goes..
The award is aimed at bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  The rules for receiving the award:

1. Post the award on your blog. 2. Link back to the blogger who represented this award. 3. Answer the questions the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.4. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.5. Go to their page and tell them

*** These are the questions that I have answered:
1. What is your dream job and why?My absolute dream job would be writing for a fashion article. Seems like everyone’s dream nowadays…but someone has to do it. *2. Who is your current fashion icon and why? Currently, I am loving Phoebe Lettice’s style from Made In Chelsea. It’s nice to see a bit of individuality on that show for a change… *3. What fashion trend do you follow: Colourful or Monochrome? Colourful. *4. What do you prefer to wear: Skirts or Pants? Pants. All the way. So much easier to style I think! *5. Heels or flats? Heels. I’m 5”1…I don’t really have a choice! *6. Do you collect makeup or just buy when you need it? I usually just buy makeup when I need it, but as I have been exploring the world of beauty bloggers and youtubers, there are some products that I would consider buying just for the hell of it! *7. Do you wear makeup when you're home alone with your family? Pffffft nooooooo! Sometimes I don’t even wear it out, it totally depends on what kind of day I’m having. I use to wear it every single day when I was about 14, but now I feel grotty if I have put too much on, or have it on for too long. Luckily my skin has always been quite good, so I can get away with not wearing foundation all the time. *8. What's your favorite clothing store? Zara is my favorite high street store, apart from that it’s usually just nick nack shops and second hand shops, just because they are so interesting to rummage through! *9. What's your favorite winter fashion item? A big warm winter coat. Currently looking for one at the moment, I’ve decided to stay away from the pink coat trend, because everyone is going for it! I have seen a few that I like so far, it’s just deciding which one to choose from! *10. What's your favorite winter beverage?A warm mocha drink with marshmallows and whipped cream! Mulled wine is yet to take the top spot…it will soon though! *11. What's your favorite Christmas song?Song? As in, one? This can’t happen. I have at least 10, plus the entire Michele Bublé Christmas album!
 Now these are the ones that I have created!
1. What is your earliest fashion memory?
2. If you could only wear one outfit from your wardrobe, what would it be?
3. What are your thoughts on the A/W 13 trends?
4. Name one thing that is on your Christmas list this year!
5. Now name one thing that would be on your Christmas list if you had an unlimited amount of money!
6. What is your favorite fashion piece at the moment?
7. Go on the Asos website ( www.asos.com ) and link me back your favorite pair of shoes!
8. Do you have a certain style that you feel suits your body type?
9. Would you be a fashion or a shoe designer?
10. Are you a makeup junkie?
11. If you had to wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Now for the fun bit! I taggggg.....
I know it's not 11 people, but I literally need to dash out the door so 7 lovely blogs will have to do!
It's enough to sink your teeth into!
It was a bit of a ramble tonight, and I don't usually do 'tag' questions, but hey ho.
Exciting posts coming soooonn !

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