I’ve Been Awarded!!

By Inordinatelyplush @inordinateplush

I received the Kreativ Blog Award this week by two lovely bloggers who you must go and check out right now, and they are Josie from Josie Loves Shoes and Lyndsey from Hiding In Wonderland. When I read that these guys had nominated me I was so chuffed, it may seem like a small award to some but to me as a new blogger it means so much it really does!

So, here are the rules if you have been tagged in this post:

1. Link back to the person who gave you the award.

2. Answer the 7 questions below.

3. Award 10 other bloggers and let them know.

4. Share 7 random facts about yourself.

1. Name your favorite song: Etta James – At Last. It is a classic and it most definitely will be played at my wedding.

2. Name your favorite desert: My massive sweet tooth would say everything but I will limit it to some sort of Almond cake with custard. Big fan of sponge cakes, hate icing.

3. What ticks you off? Bitchiness via Twitter for no reason. Recently I’ve seen a few tweets which have just been un called for, sometimes people need to keep their comments to themselves. 

4. When I'm upset, I...cry? My family say I cry at anything. They are right.

5. Favourite pet? My little Trudi, she’s a Jack Russel and is only 2 and I love her to pieces.

6. Black/White? Black definitely. White will forever reminds me of Vanessa from Eastenders (AKA. Tanya from Footballers Wives) and not in a good way.

7. Biggest fear? Anything war related. I don’t even watch the news. It makes me cry and I find war movies more frightening than horrors/ghost stories, literally cannot sleep after watching them. 

8. Everyday attitude? At the minute it tends to be, I really should get ready and do something productive but I know I won’t, so why fight it? I am a bad person.

9. What is perfection? My friendship with my BFF. I couldn’t of asked for abetter friend, she is always there for me and I never take her for granted, but honestly, I got lucky with this little gem. Love you!… Emotional moment.. VOM.

10. Guilty pleasure? Sudoku. There! I said it. I hate myself!!

7 Facts About Me:

I drink about 5-7 cups of tea a day. I don’t own a wardrobe. I’ve never had my eyebrows waxed. I want to move to London. I don’t even like Angry Birds. I draw a heart around the number 14 during the month of February in my diary (vom). But I am single and have been for a while now.

I'm passing this award to:

a little lipstick


the glittery details

SW fashion

daisy churchward


elevator musik

A typical English rose…

Cupcakes & Cosmetics

A story of a girl who lives above her means

Thank you lovelies!