I Used the Power of Algae

By Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
Happy Monday!
In the twitter world we call this #MotivationalMonday (when you tweet you need to use your hashtags lol). I hope everyone had a restful weekend and I also hope you have had a fabulous start to your week. What is your motivation this week? Stop!!! Don't keep reading until you answer that question (even if your head).
I actually took a few days off from my workouts. So I was super excited to head back into the gym. Monday's set the tone for me for the week for my workouts. I had a training session with Kyle this morning. Here are some sweet random excerpts from my weekend:
I didn't enter a gym from Friday to Sunday. I also had pizza for dinner last night. I am also really into saying "nom nom nom". I am still obsessed with the Olympics. I made Kale chips this weekend. I went golfing. I went swimming. I made a new friend (this is a big deal, it's hard to make friends with new people in your 30's). I ate salmon twice. I tweeted to Usain Bolt after his gold medal win in the men's 100m final...still waiting to hear back. Watched a classic episode of Seinfeld and the movie "In Time" with Justin Timberlake (so bad btw).
Phewf, so now you are all caught up. I also got my samples of Energybits. I brought them with me to the gym this morning, to fill Kyle in on them. I learned the following things about my trainer today:
1. He knows nothing of raw foods
2. He is wary of random companies from the internet sending me samples to try
3. He was willing to try the samples of Energybits.
I am not a doctor, or anyone that is qualified to give nutritional advice. I hope that when you read my blog you take all of the information I provide and my opinions that I share, simple as that. Information and opinions. We all know that opinions are like belly buttons-everyone has one.
Anyways, Energybits and I are pretty much best friends. This is why.
Energybits are algae tabs. With one calorie per tab, they seemingly provide and extra burst of energy. They have only one ingredient-spirulina algae which is apparently pretty decent for you to eat. Astronauts and Olympic Athletes eat it and we all know how cool those dudes are, right? Are you still with me? No crap like sugar, chemicals or caffeine like in energy drinks or protein bars or shakes. It's ok if you haven't heard of any of this before. It's pretty new to me as well. Honestly, the best part of Energybits so far is how awesome the people that work for their company are. When I received my samples, there was a handwritten note from the Founder & CEO (who is Canadian...YAY!) personally thanking me for my interest in Energybits. This is why I feel like I am BFF's with Energybits.
The bits are made of algae, if you don't like the taste of algae, you might not like the taste of these bits. But wait! You can still eat them and gain all of the benefits...how you ask? Simply swallow them without chewing them. Just a little bit of water required. That's actually how I ate them. If you are are looking for a great pick me up that is organically grown and harvested and very portable (they come in a cool little tin that you can re-use) I would try Energybits. If you would like to try them, message me so I can connect with you the totally awesome EnergyBits peeps (my BFF's)

See they are just little things.

Oh and they come in four different types!

In an effort to ensure this blog post doesn't come across as an advertisement for Energybits, if I have piqued your curiousity you can click here to check out their website and let me know if you have any questions. I am going to be using the rest of my samples this week and writing a full review somewhere on this blog.
So I definitely used the "power of algae" (as I called it today) to crush a great workout this morning. We did core work today for the first time ever. I know I use my core in almost everything I do at the gym, but we haven't actually done "ab work" before. My brother once told me I have the core of a kitten (I believe he was inferring that I have a weak core) and the only core work I ever do these days is Tabata planks (or Plank Wars as I like to call them) on my own. It was nice to have my trainer take me through some actual core work and feel how it should feel when it's done properly using proper technique and time under tension (TUT).
I feel really cheesy even writing this and I fully expect to be mocked for saying it, but I am saying it anyways. I am happy. That is all. It's probably the algae.
Happy Reading,
P.S. I am also the best client ever because I brought Kyle some raw energy bars that I made this weekend. Which is how we discovered he knows nothing about raw food.