I Tour The Indie Writer's Network. Want to Come Along?

By Lizmckeown1955 @WritersBoost

Established in January 2012 for the purpose of connecting indie writers for support and success in indie publishing, The Indie Writer’s Network aka Indie Write Net is now an international writing community of several hundred writers of all genres. And what are they all about?
The IndieWriteNet Mission:
To offer a space where indie writers can:
  1. Connect with other indie writers around the world
  2. Share and discover the tools for publishing success
  3. Establish themselves as professional writers
  4. Inexpensively promote their work
To this end, IndieWriteNet offers a fully functional social network, over 25 genre and interest-based groups, three directories,  and community sites where indie writers can share their expertise and experience as an indie writer.
Their first directory is Featured Books which offers countless sub-genres: http://indiewritenet.com/featured-books/
Directory number two is the Indie Author Directory where authors can list their bio pages, web links and post photos: http://authors.indiewritenet.org/
Our third directory is Indie Author Services where you can offer services to indie writers or seek them out: http://indiewritenet.com/authorservices/
Want to give them a try? http://indiewritenet.com/authorservices/