I Think 'The Kraut' is Nicking My Copy!

By Davidduff

Well, no sooner do I post up some carefully composed hastily scribbled thoughts on what I perceive, from 'over here', to be the inherent and increasing dangers in American political and social life than up pops 'The Kraut' and says, more or less, the same thing!  Can this truly be a coincidence?  Well, of course it is but it adds to my worries concerning America.  'The Kraut' uses the dreaded 'T'-word - Totalitarian!  To even think of such a word in an American context would have been laughed at only a few years ago but today I'm not so sure.  Of course, it will please all the anti-Americans who never lose an opportunity for sniping across the Atlantic but they need to pause and ask themselves how the world will be with a weak America and, even worse, an America that automatically sides with the likes of Iran, China and Russia?