I Think I Forgot To Tell You…

By Brisdon @shutuprun

I had a race today. A half marathon. I had strict orders to not treat it like a race due to my recent back issue (advice from Coach Sharpie and PT Bob), so I was not exactly in race mentality.

That is why I brought out my best chicken neck and crazy eyes just for you. I am not sure what Ken is doing in the back but he looks way too relaxed to be about to run 13.1 miles.

I had a headache and bad stomach before the race (blame it on Friday night festivities. Never again. Well, maybe). Let’s just say McDonald’s bathroom might never be the same (and Kathy’s flusher didn’t work, so that was double trouble).

Side note: At the start of the race it was 45 degrees. Perfection.

My plan for this race was to go out easy for the first half and pick it up if I felt good. When I hit mile 6.5, I was feeling much too comfortable running easier, so I stuck with that. No need to exert myself. Plus, I knew I had a huge training day coming up tomorrow and didn’t want to blast out my legs on this race. So, I cruised along cursing the awful Colorado scenery and being grateful for that McDonald’s pre race pit stop. I was 14 pounds lighter at least.

Finish time = 1:54 (8:42 average). This is at least 8 minutes slower than I have done this race in the past, but I am keeping my eye on that big Ironman prize and going with the plan. I am proud of myself. Really I am. And, just for the record – I don’t think any half marathon is “easy” even if you go slower. It’s still damn 13.1 miles of running.

I met some SUAR readers today: Jimi, Lindsey, Tammie, Michelle, and Julie to name a few. I love our community! And, I visited with Marshall Ulrich for a bit (remember when I did a review of his book Running on Empty awhile back? Great read).

So, let me tell you what is different about Ironman training (well there are a million things, but this is thing #654)– after you finish a half marathon race, you are not done for the day. You have to come home and go swim, which was the very last thing I wanted to do. The first thing I wanted to do was eat Chili Cheese Fritos and watch House Hunters.  But, I swam even though this blog is not called Shut Up and Swim.

As for tomorrow…well – it seems I have a 5 ½ hour bike ride on tap. I have to be home by 10:00 a.m. for a brunch date, so it is with pure disgust (and a little intrigue) that I must get up at 4:00 a.m. to be on the bike trainer by 4:30 a.m. I’ll do the first two hours on the trainer, then head outdoors for the last 3 ½ hours once it gets light. By the way, I just got a new trainer for my bike (triathlons are a freaking money pit). Now all I need is a tri bike. Baby steps.

Some more pictures from today:

Me and my main man. I love him.

Kathy ran her 2nd half marathon today and had a 4 minute PR!
I was so proud of her that I made her pick me up

Oh, and one picture of Heidi and me from last night. Because I had to. She always wants to make out with me. I usually don’t let her get past first base.

Did you race this weekend? Where and how did it go?

Do you watch HGTV? We have become obsessed. House Hunters is our family favorite right now.