I Think I Broke It…

By Djrelat7 @djrelat7

I wasn’t going to say anything but I think I broke it. So now I have to say. Right? See what had happened was… I went to use it last Thursday and …it didn’t work. I was the lady who could go and spend an easy hundred on a handful of items at the local Loft Store. I could make a full circle and need someone to help me start a fitting room twice before I was actually ready to try on the clothes. I would start calculating the amazing 50% off prices and add to them the coupons weighing down my purse. I’d sort through all the amazing pieces that fit and I’d start planning in my head the perfect date nights coming up that I can wear them for before I hit the register. Last Thursday though … I got nothing. Are my shopping SUPER POWERS broken?

I walked in the Loft and checked in on 4Square. The app said that it hadn’t seen me since August. AUGUST. Someone had stolen my mayor-ship. I was nowhere close to winning it back. A couple of months ago that would have bothered me. It didn’t bother me one bit though. Maybe I’m not broken after all? Maybe I’m fixed?

I made my rounds and I did find a few great pieces. However, every single piece of clothing I picked up was not worth the 50% off printed coupon I had found shaking in my purse. I had a $20 Loft Rewards Card and nothing seemed worthy of its redemption. I picked up a handful of T-shirts on sale for $10. My favorite long sleeved t-shirts too! The first color I looked at didn’t have my size and I took it as a sign. Put them down and walk away. I browsed the Sale section and found a beautiful crochet looking top for next summer. I tried it on and even though it was $7 it would stay in a bin until I pulled it out next summer. I want to get rid of stuff not store more things. I hung it on the rack as I left the dressing room.

So I walked back out to the floor determined to find something to use my rewards card on and it dawned on me. Scarves. A scarf is a great way to update something already in my closet with the fashion palette of this season. A lot of the prints and patterns on the clothing in general, spill onto the soft fabric that looks great around my neck and helps keep me warm at work. At half price, the scarfs are a steal to kick your fall wardrobe up a notch. SCORE. I couldn’t decide between two of them so I got them both.

Loft Scarves by areliscintron featuring a fringe shawl

LOFT fringe shawl

LOFT green shawl

As I left the store that day, I realized that I wasn’t broken. I’m in a great place in my life and working on my goals means being disciplined. Discipline is key when we work towards achieving any goal. It’s when we include others in our goals that we become accountable. We can easily tell ourselves we’ll do it tomorrow. I’m the queen of procrastination. However, its a different story when you have to tell a loved one, sorry I didn’t do what I was supposed to so the goal’s completion will take a little longer to get done. When what you want to accomplish is an arms length away, a new dress for me is not worth the delay. Can I get an Amen?

Do you have financial goals that seem to get side tracked by your shopping habit? How do you keep yourself on track?

Until then,