I Suck at Juggling

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh

Like, really. I can't juggle. I've tried but I end up dropping all three objects on the ground.
I'm also not very good at juggling too much in real life. I get really stressed out and I'm kind of rude to my loved ones. Not good. I think it's because when I do things, I do them full throttle. None of that half assing around here, you know what I'm saying?
With that being said, Lovely Little Things is officially going on the back burner.
I've been avoiding doing this for awhile, but I knew the time would come. I'm not deleting the blog. And who knows, maybe I'll randomly post on here once in awhile, but if you really miss me, you can always come visit my new health & fitness blog: Glisten Fit! :) Everyone's welcome!
I was gonna try to juggle both of the blogs, but here's what I've got going on:
- Working my "regular" job part time- Busting my butt to get the Glisten blog up and going...props to people who are their own designer, videographer, editor, etc because this junk takes a lot of time and patience! But it's so worth it.- Planning a wedding- Teaching boot camp classes twice a week (which means I'm creating two new hour long routines every week)- About to be MOVING! Yay....Adam & I got approved for the house we wanted to rent :) Buck was approved, too! Adam is moving in February 1 with Buck, and I will be joining them after the wedding.
I know we all have full plates, but mine was getting too full for me. So I had to decide what to cut out. And Lovely Little Things is what I chose.
I really hope y'all will come visit me at Glisten...I promise it's fun!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the love and support that y'all have shown me these last two years on this blog. It's taught me way more than I ever thought it could. I LOVE YOU GUYS!