I Recently Did a Q+A with Andro Wekua, Which at Some Point Will...

By Briennewalsh @BrienneWalsh
Photo Post

I recently did a Q+A with Andro Wekua, which at some point will appear on the Internet. In the meantime, it’s worth going to see his show at Gladstone before it closes on October 20.

On a side note—and perhaps to provide food of thought for your future viewing—while I was searching for the image above, I came upon one by William Kentridge from his 9 Drawings For Projection series. I one time gave a one-hour presentation on Kentridge, about whom I also wrote an unpublished article for Film Comment with my girl Livia. The way that both Kentridge and Wekua explore memory is interesting, although they do so quite differently.

I’m not sure what the best thing written about Kentridge is—the New Yorker profile was kind of eh, more biographical than informative—but a good starting point to learn about him is from this video.