I Really Must Confess, I Am on the Biggest Mojo Hunt

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

Hello there, it has truly been a while, hasn’t it?

I’d actually love to be able to dazzle with an ahhhhhhhmaaazing tale to excuse my fortnight’s absence …. but alas ……

  • I have not been off saving the world one harp seal at a time,
  • I have not been floating down the Seine on a quaint little houseboat sipping anything delightful,
  • nor have I been struck ill with a debilitating illness (which in all honesty would be the most likely of the three).

Life got very busy. Dealing with school notes, piles of washing, mouldy lunchboxes, meetings and one very out-of-control episode of diarrhoea (no, not me) has caught me lagging way behind and somewhere there, in the midst of clothes yet to be ironed, my mojo is hiding. I’ve been also very preoccupied with the direction that I’m wanting Family Survival Coach to head in and you may have noticed some changes to the site layout.

I’m getting there. Small steps, slowly and very slowly, while I put into place much of the learning that I’m continuing with. Currently, I’ve been trying to create the optimal framework for all that I want to be able to help families with and it is sucking lots of the brain power, sadly to the detriment of this blog. I’ve got soooo many ideas for blog posts and articles and e-tutorials and more …..  but such little mojo …. come back ya’hear, my to-do list is growing by the day!

Just to put it out there (while I’m confessing to not having any exciting excuse for my blogging tardiness) this picture below is EXACTLY what my daily post-it-note battle is beginning to look a lot like. The busyness in my head somehow escapes to become busyness in the form of sticky yellow squares of paper and this, my friends, is the trap I’ve found myself caught in! Does anyone recognise themselves in the scenario?

With so much to say and even more to actually do, it’s possibly best I promptly announce that this post will be joining the I must confess weekly link up held each Monday at Kirsty’s blog and THEN I should really get cracking with some catch up! I’m on a mission!

Have a great start to the week everyone, and if you find it hiding under your sofa, please send my mojo directly back home with a mighty stern word or two!

photo credits: One Way Stock and Ali Nassiri via photopin cc