I Officially Registered For…

Posted on the 25 November 2014 by Krickeyb

…the Rock ‘N’ Roll Half Marathon in DC! I am SO excited for this! My training begins this week, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to share the news on my blog. The race is scheduled for March 14, 2015 (pi day, lol). This will be my first half marathon and I cannot wait to cross this off my bucket list.

Running used to be something I loved. When I was younger, running was a way for me to relieve the teenage angst that dooms us all at some point in life. Unfortunately, as I grew older and focused on sports like softball and volleyball, I began to dread running. At practice, running was usually a consequence for mistakes that were made in drills, during games, or just not listening to coach. Naturally, my brain learned to hate running because I associated it with negative reinforcement.

I am slowly beginning to love running again. I expect our relationship to be bittersweet, but I would prefer more sweetness rather bitterness. ;)

I think completing this half marathon will be a HUGE step in my relationship with running. After this race, I will move on to a marathon, and eventually, a triathlon or something awesome like that! Like with my clean eating diaries, I plan to discuss my journey throughout this process. Technically, my training program begins 12 weeks prior to the race. I will be doing a 12 week program starting December 21. In the meantime, I will be running at least 5 miles a week. My goal is to take some photos of the foods I am eating, the shoes I am wearing, the courses I am running, and more! Stay tuned, y’all!

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