I Need Your Vote for the Mobbies 2015!

By Slowdownandsavor

Hey guys! It's me, Katie. Duh.

Back in July of 2011 I started Slow Down and Savor as a simple outlet for me to share my love of food with the "world," or anyone who would read. I talked about the history behind club sandwiches, and scoured the internet for the luckiest foods to eat on New Years, things of that nature.

After a while, I decided to get in the kitchen and start cooking, and tested recipes I found online, in books and then came up with my own, to share with you guys. I even documented that time when we tried our hand at home brewing. Then, I started writing down and photographing my experiences in nearby restaurants when we decided to eat out as a family or on date nights, giving you all the in's and out's of where to go, and what to get. Before long, I was being contacted to visit restaurants and food trucks all over Central Texas, and I was also receiving a variety of products to test and review. Needless to say, so far, it has been an incredible journey here with Slow Down and Savor.

This past summer, we moved from the Austin area to Baltimore, MD, and I have continued discovering the world around me through its cuisine. My family and I have had the best time exploring our neighborhood restaurants here in Baltimore City, and guess what? Once again, the blog has provided me with so many awesome connections with people and restaurants in the neighborhood.

The best part of the blog, though, is you guys. Seriously. I was able to amass over 3,500 Facebook page likes, and made a LOT of friends in the Central Texas blog-o-sphere, and now here in Baltimore too. I am having blast, going to various blogging events, covering fun festivals and of course, eating AMAZING food.

And so I come to you, awesome readers, to ask you to vote for me in the Baltimore Sun's annual blog competition, the Mobbies. I'm new here, and I want to let Baltimore know what it means to Slow Down and Savor. I am nominated for Best Food Blog, and I would be beyond grateful and super honored if you would vote for me.

If you feel as though I've earned a vote in any of the other categories besides Best Food Blog (ahem, Facebook, ahem), then go ahead and fill Slow Down and Savor in the empty spot next to "Other." I would beyond appreciate your support during the 2015 Mobbies, and I can't wait to see what we can do together here in Baltimore!

To cast your vote, click here! You can vote every day up until the polls close on Nov 12 at 5 p.m. So vote early, and vote often!

Thank you so much for your continued support!!!