I Need Your Help!

By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy

I’ve been feeling a bit unsettled lately. My blog is my favorite thing in the world, but lately I’ve been feeling like it’s missing something, and I have a few ideas of what it might be, but there’s nobody better to help me out here than you guys. Without you, Lovely By Lucy wouldn’t be what it is today and you guys are super important to me, so I’m really hoping some of you want to take a minute and help me a little.

I’ve been mainly sharing outfits lately, which is and will always be what Lovely By Lucy is about: my style and what I wear. Sometimes I share some diaries (less often than I used to), some wishlists (also less often), inspiration and stuff that is new in my closet. In the stories underneath the pictures I share some of my personal life, but I mostly share that on instagram. My inspirations are not always on this blog, but always on my Pinterest. And the wishlists have been scarce lately because I didn’t have much time to scour the web for things I’d like to buy but can’t always afford.
I don’t feel as much as if there’s something missing, but more like I am missing something, like there’s something extra I could bring that I’m not doing now. I mean, there’s always other things I can do, but I want to make sure it’s what I want to write about and it’s what you’d like to see.

So tell me, what is it that you’d like to see more on Lovely By Lucy?
More diaries? Or are you following me on instagram already and don’t feel the need to see those pictures here as well? (because that’s how I feel sometimes)
More inspiration, even though you can find it on my Pinterest?
More shopping lists and wish lists? Which I always find fun to make so would be happy to provide you with :)
More Things I Love?
Runway collections, trends? Or maybe even something totally different like food and fitness that is a big part of my daily life as well?
More writings or more pictures? More beauty? Or maybe even something totally different?

It’s not that I can’t think of these things myself and believe me, this has been on my mind for quite a while, including new ideas and resolutions. I just can’t seem to bite the bullet yet and I very much value the opinion of my dearest readers so I’d love to hear what you’d like to see more of on Lovely By Lucy!
I will be forever thankful and have something special as a thank you later this week :)