I Need a Bib………

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

OMG! Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I’m so excited to watch the parade, eat sweet potatoes drizzled in honey and so much cheesy carrot casserole I’ll explode!

This is what I get to do at my job….. play with Pantone Color Wheels. Let me tell you, Green 5842 is light-years different than Green 5843 and mixing them up is a BIG problem.

So….. one of my favorite places to eat these days has to be Erik’s Deli and here’s a few reasons why.

Every sandwich can be made on 117% delicious Udi’s Gluten Free Bread. My personal favorite is the Sweet Liberty with no Cheese. The sticky gooey sweet mustard sauce is glitterbomb-tastic.

This sandwich was so big it didn’t fit in my mouth…..

When sandwiches don’t fit, they need to be pressed….. which only makes them better because they become drippy and messy. If I didn’t spill on my shirt, the sandwich is NOT up to par!

Enter the sweet potato chip! Erik’s is the only place in own that offers sweet potato chips. Which means it’s the only place where I can eat chips! It’s like Erik’s Deli was created just for me…. sigh!!

A day that includes Erik’s is a good day.

Yesterday Jaemen drank a slurpee…….. I don’t know why I suspect this…………

It’s such a mystery.

I may or may not have eaten the last 4 Dum Dums in my desk all before 10am……… No self control, obviously!

I need a manicure, STAT.

Max took me to dinner so he could try and convince me to go to his parent’s house in Paradise, CA (yes Paradise is a real place) for his family’s Thanksgiving. He even took pictures of all my contraband food cards so that there would be food for me.

I’m still deciding because his Mom makes the BEST food ever and well, it’s hard to turn down more delicious ways to stuff your face on Thanksgiving, but I’d be missing a basketball practice just before our very first game. Oh, Life, Dilemmas………..

I had 3 teeny mini chicken street tacos with no cheese and black beans.

Isn’t this just the cutest plate of food you’ve ever seen?

I’ve learned that street tacos are quite messy because they’re so tiny and have so much gut’s stuffed inside them. I’m thinking it would be 9 ways of impossible to actually eat these while on the street without a stack of napkins, a plate to catch all the escaping food stuffs, a utensil to get the escaping food stuffs into one’s mouth after attempted flight to freedom, and a chair because who can walk and eat crazy messy (yet delicious) food that’s falling all over the place at the same time? It’s not graceful people!!!

And now, after roughly 400 words and a plethora of pictures I’m all caught up and it’s breakfast. I’m eating 2 slices of Udi’s bread with sunflower seed butter and sipping awake tea with almond milk. All while writing this blog post. There is literally like 15 hours and 37 minutes until Thanksgiving!!!!

Tell me about you!!!!!! I want to know…………………

What is the messiest thing you’ve ever ate?

Probably a burrito that’s been stuffed too much.

Have you ever spilt your food at an important event like a Wedding, Pre-Prom Dinner, etc………….?

No……… Knocking on wood right now……..

Can you use chopsticks?
