I’m Still Here

Posted on the 11 April 2020 by Hmcurator

Sorry for not posting last weekend. I am very fortunate, in that I am still employed, and my employer gave me the equipment I need to work from home. The trick is, now that I am spending forty hours a week sitting in my chair, staring at my monitor, I really don’t want to spend my free time doing more of the same, even if it is for my projects not work. It took me about a week to get used to working from home, hopefully I will find a work/life balance that allows me to enjoy working on the Harvey Mercheum website again.

In the meantime, I am sure you are all aware that the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is wreaking havoc on our beloved comic book industry. Here is one of the better articles I have read about what is happening:

Comics vs. coronavirus: Comics industry shut down for the first time in almost a century

While this was all going on, long-time friend and supporter of the Harvey Mercheum, J. C. Vaughn, celebrated 25 years with Gemstone Publishing. J. C. was one of the first people I discussed my plans with for the Harvey Mercheum website, back in 2013 when I met him, and Vincent Spencer drew zombie Richie Rich for me:

Pop Culture League ninth challenge: Zombies

Friday’s Scoop email newsletter features a great interview with J. C., you can read it here:

J.C. Vaughn Reflects on 25 Years at Gemstone

Long-time readers of the Mercheum blog might recall that I was interviewed for the Scoop email newsletter about a year ago for the fifth anniversary of the Merchum:

New interview in Scoop e-newsletter

Last, but not least, I have added a link on Hot Stuff’s Characters Depicted page to a fun article on DIAL B for BLOG about his origin. Please note that the full “Hot Stuff Song” by The Comix is embedded at the top of that post, have a listen! We have seen the 45 RPM record that song appeared on in the March 1974 advertisement here:


That’s all for now. I may continue our retrospective if I find some more motivation. Stay safe everyone!