At another corner, my anthurium has a new bloom. It's seldom that productive and the red and yellow are so vivid. Love it as well :-D
Due to the hot and humid weather that we are experiencing of late, I wasn't expecting my plants to do any better but o
ut of the blue, my low-growing Calathea roseopicta has produced an inflorescence with a tiny flower! A pleasant surprise really :-)Several months ago at a nursery, I thought of getting a Asclepias curassavica, commonly known as Milkweed or Blood Flower but I took a wrong plant home which turned out to be an Oleander. Regardless, it was a 'happy' mistake as t
his Oleander is a good bloomer. Recently, these flowers (in pic below) are not having enough space to blossom nicely and as if hiding behind the leaves. Hmmm... shy perhaps? Hehe...Anyway I subsequently managed to find a Milkweed and its brilliant blooms are very striking! This is definitely not a 'shy plant'. On the contrary, it's a plant that shouts for attention ;-)
Happy growing your plants... shy or not shy :-D