I'm Rattling My Tin Again!

By Davidduff

Yes, it's that time of year again when blatant 'Scroogism' is inflicted on elderly tight-wads who sit, shivering in their parlours, carefully counting their coinage in the palm of their mittened hands as they worry and fret over whether to put it on the favourite in the 2.30 at Kempton or  a dead cert bet that Arsenal will not even finish in the top six.  Well, stop all that averice and I do not wish to hear a single 'humbug' from anyone!  Instead, undo the padlock on your wallet and remove - carefully because after all these years the paper might be in rather a delicate condition - a £10 or $10 note, pop it into an envelope addressed to:

Mercy Ships UK, The Lighthouse, 12 Meadway Court, Stevenage SG1 2EF

Or, if in these austere times your computer has not be repossessed, just click here and make an electronic payment:


Once again, a very generous donor has offered to match all contributions received by Dec 31st up to £600,000, so your £10/$10 becomes £20/$20.

Let me remind you all again, that the Mercy Ship idea is far and away the most cost efficient charity in the world.  Everyone on the ship, from top surgeons to humble cooks, is an unpaid volunteer.  By using a ship they can safeguard and service all the medical equipment and there is no chance of bribery and corruption which blights other charities working in Africa.  You can get the spirit of the enterprise from watching this YouTube film:


Come on, you guys and gals, throw off your Scrooge-like tendencies and double your money with Mercy Ships!
