I'm Officially In... My Kota Kinabalu Era!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Sabah was about to show me another banger of a destination, definitely a certain booze would be found because Kota Kinabalu got me! Even before my Air Asia flight had arrived into BKI, I had officially entered 'My Kota Kinabalu Era!' Clocking markets, vantage points and a mosque, you already know something extra had been served up! Sure, Malaysia finally allowed me to let go! 

It felt like I had arrived back into civilization with Sandakan's rainforest feeling like a million miles away, I wasn't mad about Kota Kinabalu's city scene! No! I wasn't mad that I couldn't check into my hotel because a certain APP had me distracted in the best way! Let's just say a certain 'behind closed doors' nature could be found in Malaysia'a Kota Kinabalu, I was there for that shady business in a flash! Let me just tell you it ended up being an extremely 'Good Morning' as I took care of something. My hotel was questionable but I would find out some foolishness during the following night, that foolishness would rile me but not ruin my experience. Heading for the 'Filipino Market' had to be done, I lived for those future trip references! I didn't buy anything from that first section of the market but I did have a good mooch around, I was on a Kota Kinabalu quest! I had not had breakfast, I needed to grab an early lunch because I was starving! Another wildcard destination, I loved Kota Kinabalu truly!

The market was like a never-ending labyrinth of handicrafts and local produce, I saw some bars in-between the Filipino Market and Kota Kinabalu Wet Market. I'd be making an appearance at one of them later on for certain, even if I kidded myself that I wouldn't do! The second market installment also sold a wide array of products like the first one I had visited. I loved seeing the produce and the local foods in their brightly color packets, it was a feast for the eyes. For me, it was a random discovery but it was something that I had half researched. The second part of the market looked much newer and for the produce on sale, I didn't feel squeamish with such items on display. Kota Kinabalu was ready to keep things random, I wanted to keep things moving with no stone left unturned. I felt an almighty buzz within those market areas, certain elements of Sandakan's city were being sold but that holiday town vibe told me Kota Kinabalu had more to show me later on! Malaysia kept me moving, I was on my sixth era! Lunch needed to happen! 

Before I hit those Kota Kinabalu pavements for real, I climbed up a set of stairs at the wet market. On the second level, there revealed to me an open plan canteen with a very 'down to earth' style. Serving character by the bucket load, I took my seat after ordering some Malaysian style chicken with rice. My serving looked delicious to me, I had taken a gamble on that order but the tomato sweet chili sauce tasted great with the chicken, rice and egg all served on the same plate. I ordered a coke because like all of the other eateries it was strictly Halal and that only! I took only ten minutes to eat my food because I had to keep on moving, the morning had so far been hectic with a little bit scandal thrown into the mix. The mornings dramas in Sandakan felt like a world away and that was just fine with me! Sure, the market canteen wasn't for those who have hygiene concerns but I didn't experience anything abnormal afterwards. Lunch really didn't cost much, it was great to have something simple and delicious! Oh, Kota K! 

Ready for the summer even though it was the 23rd of December, the hot weather had me feeling sensational! Sure, there had been some rain earlier that morning but those KK skies were positively shining, I sure appreciated that brief period of shade as I walked across an overpass away from the markets. Heading to my next element of the day wouldn't happen for a little bit longer because I wanted to get an ice cold Milo! I found a shopping center down the stairs from that overpass. I loved the 'everyday' feel of that shopping center because nothing screamed that it was 'almost Christmas!' Luckily, I managed to find a sweet treat from a vendor who was also selling ice cold Milo. I spent a reasonable amount of time inside that shopping center because the air conditioning hit different, it felt like an immediate relief. It was great to not see any brands, the stores were very much serving 'High Street' in that Kota Kinabalu situation. For a tourist town, it served no airs and graces and I was there for that! 'Signall Hill' did the most, K! 

I thought that I had it all figured out, heading towards 'Signal Hill Observatory Platform' in what I thought was the right direction, really though? I found myself walking along 'Gaya Street' with those ruinous 'Apple Maps' almost leading me into my own peril, I wasn't joking! Climbing these steps seemed innocent to begin with but the incline becoming steep and the forest/jungle-like surroundings growing thicker, considerably! I had not mistaken the sign at the bottom of the hill because it clearly stated 'Signal Hill'. These maps need to be updated, no they really do! Now, I am no tightrope walker but the gaps in-between the dilapidated staircases saw me doing several stunts in order to reach a higher level. Had the heat made me lose my mind? Yes! The turning point for me was when the stairs became too much to scale, I even saw what looked like a homeless camp, I turned around with haste! Back at the beginning I found a Mexican bar-restaurant, you know that I quenched my thirst with an ice cold margarita! I needed that drink!

Not admitting defeat, I called a Grab Taxi because the drive up to Signal Hill really didn't look walk-able in the end. Arriving at the top for that super quick photo opportunity confirmed that even the walking path had been cordoned off and it really didn't look safe! Even the observatory platform was closed, I had not gone to Kota Kinabalu to turn down any of these experiences, I took my photos around that officially locked off entrance because getting in my feelings wasn't worth it. I had to admit that the 'climb' had been worth it because the view was amazing, the bluer than blue waters married with the skies, those clouds kept their distance. Of course, Kota Kinabalu's pint-sized city center served some tall buildings but I was still able to see that view, it still looked stunning! I had so far smashed the day, getting to the top one way or another was the order of the day. I felt that a certain liberalness was present in KK within regards to alcohol, you know that margarita had planted a seed. I needed to find my fourth and final catch of the day! 

Getting back into a taxi allowed me to make up some time as the afternoon was pressing on. I arrived at 'Masjid Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu' otherwise known as 'Kota Kinabalu City Mosque'. Before reaching Kota Kinabalu, I had clocked this 'almost floating' mosque during my pre-trip research period. I found out that tourists and non-Muslims were very much welcome, I just needed to pay a small fee and wear a white Thobe and Prayer Cap. I loved the mosque as it was surrounded by glistening waters, the domed structure was the perfect blend of ocean and sky blues, the four minarets impressed me. I am not religious but dressed in those appropriate clothes enhanced that cultural moment, sure certain tourists were treating this place of worship as a playground! I minded my manners and took photos respectfully with full awareness this place was a working mosque. Based on a Medina-looking mosque, this place of worship could accommodate 12,000 worshipers at one time with 1,000 non-Muslim visitors welcomed. Okay!

Being a place of worship, I had my respect activated to not be taking any photos inside the mosque. I was told that I had to leave my shoes in a separate room, that wasn't the case at the mosque that I visited in Kuala Lumpur, it was so. A guide told me that I wasn't allowed to take photos and gave me the low down on etiquette but with all due respect I had already said to him that I had visited plenty of mosques before and I knew the rules. It was a moment because it very much felt that those 'AWOL' visitors had made things tricky for non-Muslim visitors who knew how to mind their behavior. I got over that talking down to because the mosque was what I wanted to see. I didn't spend an awful lot of time in the mosque because I saw what I needed and didn't want to be tarred with the same brush as those self-taking visitors. I took myself over to an onsite cafe for another iced Milo. Kota Kinabalu had done the most, I changed quick and married the night! Kota Kinabalu had showed me a full-bodied day out! Oh K, I needed a drink! 

Kota Kinabalu Was A Lot! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure