I’m Not The Best Mom But Please Don’t Tell The Dog.

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

I’m not the best parent. I don’t even pretend to be. I guess you could say I’m a realist. But my kids are grown, left the nest and they do still visit on occasion. And while I admit to not being the best mom in suburbia, my kids are healthy and for the most part, mentally stable. (some might question this) So I guess I didn’t do too bad. Most of the good genes credit will have to go to my husband.

While the kids are grown and flown as they say, they still have stuff at my house. I should just back up a dumpster to the house and toss out what’s left of their stuff into the giant dumpster. I’ve tried to get them to go through their leftovers but they don’t want to deal with it either.

And while I’m not the best kid parent, I’m also not the best dog parent. We adopted my oldest son’s puppy 3 years ago and we have only managed to completely spoil him. We can’t really help it either. I mean the dog is pretty much our favorite child. He runs the house. Sits where ever he wants and sleeps in the bed with us. He needs to be constantly petted when we are home. Fed on time and walked daily. If you miss any of this by even a minute, he will let you know. We thought about buying those recordable buttons that can help your dog “tell” you exactly what they want, but that might not be a great idea. I imagine our dog would hit the “treat” or “outside” buttons over and over again till I became exhausted and tossed that idea right out of my thoughts. Then drank a frozen margarita for good measure.

Our sweet dog loves to sit outside when it’s warm and survey his domain like the lion king he is. He keeps the squirrels from eating all the bird food. And has now caught two of those suckers just for teasing him from the top of the fence. One died, the other went to a rehab. He caught a bird in mid-flight one day but the bird was unharmed. Seemed the pup just wanted to play. Bunnies are a whole different animal.

The other evening the dog came to the back door and just as I was about to let him in, I noticed little feet and long little ears hanging out of the dogs mouth. Crap. Apparently he found a bunny nest and played with one of the baby bunnies until his heart gave out. I imagine the dog wanted to show us his new playmate. RIP bunny. So now we have to stay outside with the dog so he won’t eat any more of our critters of the wild.

I guess we are trying to make up for the bad parenting segments of our kids lives by spoiling our 4 legged child. Do you have a favorite child? Do you wish you had parented differently? We don’t apologize for our parenting. We live trial and error just like everyone else. But the difference is, we don’t always post the best of our family on social media. We like to keep it real. 🙂

Peace, Love and Margaritas